Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, Australia, Sydney, Newtown, Charles, Male, 26-30!

Updated: 2/8/02; 4:31:16 PM

The Desktop Fishbowl
tail -f /dev/mind > blog

Thursday, 6 June 2002

Matthew Thomas: the worst bug in Mozilla 1.0.
10:35:33 PM    

A quick note for anyone writing documentation, or filling in default values in the configuration file for an application.

The domains, and are reserved for use in documentation. Thus, if you use in your default configuration file, you can be guaranteed that the address will never exist, and thus there will never be a "Bob" who is annoyed at your stupid choice of example domain names.

Addendum: The authority for this comes from RFC 2606, which also reserves the following top-level domains for the various, obvious uses: .test, .example, .invalid and .localhost.
4:42:09 PM    

Everyone fears WebSphere. I've tried to run it twice (albeit not in the last 6 months) and both times I gave up before I even got to the 'deploy application' stage.

To get WebSphere running I believe you need a small squadron of highly paid IBM consultants, and a battery of seriously large IBM hardware.

If you have that (and can handle the very old standards compliance!), I believe it's quite a nice server ;) [PSquad's Corner] via... [rebelutionary]

Hi there! I'm a <edit>moderately well-</edit>paid IBM consultant!

To get Websphere 4.0 running, you'll need a good mid-range Linux (or some other OS if you're heathen) box, and a copy of the appropriate Redbook. Redbooks are way cool - this one is about two inches thick when you print it out, and has step-by-step installation/deployment instructions.

Oh, and you'll also need a rather significant five- or six- figure sum to pay for the software licenses.

2:17:50 PM    

June 2002
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