Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, Australia, Sydney, Newtown, Charles, Male, 26-30!

Updated: 2/8/02; 4:32:47 PM

The Desktop Fishbowl
tail -f /dev/mind > blog

Wednesday, 3 July 2002

I want to work...

  • somewhere I can innovate. Where ideas count
  • somewhere I'm doing more than taking stuff out of a database and showing it on a screen, taking stuff from a form and putting it in a database
  • somewhere I'm not wasting my time keeping up with the bleeding edge
  • somewhere 90% of the company isn't older than me and married
  • somewhere my pretty extensive knowledge of Ruby, Perl, Cocoa, Linux, HTML, CSS, Crypto, Jini, Jabber doesn't seem useless
  • somewhere that owning a copy of Stevens Unix Network Programming Volume 1 doesn't make me feel like an weirdo
  • somewhere I can feel that someone has looked at something I've coded and thought "I'm glad that exists"
  • somewhere Open Source isn't just a bunch of free tools to make use of
  • somewhere I can play The Chemical Brothers and not be looked at strangely
  • somewhere I don't constantly feel like I'm in a battle against the client
  • somewhere I can make at least as much money as I'm making now
  • somewhere I can go out with my co-workers on a Friday night
  • somewhere that won't try to make me a manager, do sales or answer the phone
  • somewhere I don't feel like in ten years time I'll be the next generation of COBOL programmer

9:41:45 PM    

July 2002
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blogchalk: Charles/Male/26-30. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Newtown and speaks English.

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