Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, Australia, Sydney, Newtown, Charles, Male, 26-30!

Updated: 2/8/02; 4:33:12 PM

The Desktop Fishbowl
tail -f /dev/mind > blog

Tuesday, 30 July 2002

XML-RPC e-mail. Would the developers of the world have any interest in using a XML-RPC based API to send and receive e-mails? XML-RPC email would be nifty, but SOAP email would rock. Using Glue and James this would take a weekend to build. 'course IMHO a bigger problem is that there are no clients for it [rebelutionary]

Whenever I see something like this, I apply the "problem" test. What problem does this solve?

We already have three widely implemented protocols for dealing with mail, one for mail-transfer (SMTP), one for remote mailbox access (POP3), and one for distributed mailboxes (IMAP). The protocols are ubiquitous. POP3 is so simple you can write a basic POP client in under an hour (I did that once to check my mail from work). If you want security, you can tunnel them over SSL (And most clients support that, too)

While none of the protocols are perfect, there is nothing inherently better about XML-RPC as a platform that would improve them in ways that enhancing the existing protocols in a backwards-compatible manner wouldn't do better. At the same time, XML-RPC would complicate the wire protocol (the ability to do a POP3 or SMTP request by typing in a telnet session is a god-send sometimes), while adding the additional complexity of XML-RPC's inherent statelessness. Aside from buzzword-compliance, what problem would be solved through the use of XML-RPC?

10:04:14 PM    

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blogchalk: Charles/Male/26-30. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Newtown and speaks English.

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