Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, Australia, Sydney, Newtown, Charles, Male, 26-30!

Updated: 4/9/02; 11:13:30 AM

The Desktop Fishbowl
tail -f /dev/mind > blog

Tuesday, 13 August 2002

Right. So we are having a meetup at Harry's to test the validity of this claim. If Harry's pie should prove inferior (by what ever ambiguous rating scheme that Charles dreams up), we shall be a-dunking the Rebelutionary in our midst. Now we can't say fairer than that, can we? [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog]

Sounds perfectly fair to me. Just so long as I remember my keys.

8:11:08 AM    

August 2002
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blogchalk: Charles/Male/26-30. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Newtown and speaks English.

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