Steve's No Direction Home Page :
If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 12:12:15 PM.


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Friday, May 23, 2003

Salamander Feeding Movies. Yes! Gulp Your Food Down! Feast your eyes on snackist salamanders and this future classic: not a salamander, but a very strange suction-feeding tadpole. [Quicktime required. ] [MetaFilter]
There is lots of cool footage here! This is the kind of thing that makes you thankful for the Web.
11:40:10 PM  Permalink  comment []

Modern Russia

Russia : 145 million people who live across one-seventh of the land surface of the planet, mired in poverty, despair, and moral squalor... [Arts & Letters Daily]

Pretty grim stuff. Russia since the death of communism is now an example of amoral, unrestricted capitalism.

 Without any stable legal structure governing the owning and trading of property and wealth or the regulation of business transactions in the decade after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russian society became totally criminalized, not merely in its day-to-day dealings but in the widespread existential consciousness of its people. Russia's newly emergent oligarchs have often been nicknamed "Robber Barons" after the Gilded Age plutocrats of late 19th-century industrial America, but the term is a misnomer in all too many ways. Industrial titans like John D. Rockefeller in oil and Andrew Carnegie in steel built huge business empires and acquired enormous power. But they did so within an ordered society, built tremendous industrial infrastructures that generated wealth for generations after them, and felt obligations towards it. Rockefeller and Carnegie, like the Ford family after them donated hundreds of millions of dollars to enormous, organized philanthropies that immeasurably boosted education, health and culture, first across the United States and then across the wider world. The Robber Barons of President Boris Yeltsin's Russia really were that. They created an industrial and socio-economic desolation and called it peace.

Sounds like libertarianism gone wild, and it's hard to be very optimistic.

Beneath them, a society of 145 million people stretching across almost one-seventh of the land surface of the planet remain mired in poverty, despair and a moral squalor even more devastating than their physical one. Russia's population continues to implode with soaring death rates and plummeting birth rates. The underlying reason for this, far more than the collapse of living standards in the 1990s was, Satter concludes, that most of those people had lost all hope. They now despaired of things ever getting better.

11:36:18 PM  Permalink  comment []

Even more buttons.

If the 309 buttons at Steal these buttons aren't enough for you, you can now generate your own thanks to a clever PHP script on Minimal Verbosity. Bill Zeller has made the source code available as well.

[Simon Willison's Weblog]
10:23:31 AM  Permalink  comment []

What does Beethoven ’ s Ninth Symphony mean? The answer is found in how it was used by Berlioz, Wagner, Bruckner, Tschaikovsky... [Arts & Letters Daily]
8:52:16 AM  Permalink  comment []

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