Wednesday, November 05, 2003 |
Iraq Casualties Challenge Bush on a Response.
The White House is struggling with the political consequences for a
president who has said little publicly about the mounting casualties of
the occupation in Iraq. By Elisabeth Bumiller. [New York Times: Politics]
Bush hasn't attended one funeral.
Hasn't visited one bedside of a wounded soldier. And they sneak the
bodies back into the country, not allowing the press to photograph
coffins coming off the airplanes into the country. Instead, it's "bring
'em on."
7:01:06 PM Permalink
Economist. Recording industry still getting hammered. This sounds very cyberpunk:
As for the risk of a lawsuit from the Recording Industry Association of America, the selling point for new versions of peer-to-peer networks in recent months is that they can guard the identity of users. The most popular now is Earth Station 5, based in, of all places, the Jenin refugee camp on the West Bank. After the RIAA said it would sue, its software was downloaded more than 16m times in 90 hours. So far, it seems to work. [John Robb's Weblog]
8:47:41 AM Permalink
Ashcroft selectively prosecuting Greenpeace?. Greenpeace, has been charged with crimes by the Federal Government. Some Greenpeace members boarded a vessel that was carrying an illegal shipment of mahogany from the Brazilian rain forest to Miami. They hung a banner that read, "President Bush, Stop Illegal Logging." Is Ashcroft abusing his authority as attorney general? Would the current administration retaliate against someone that has publicly spoken out against them in the past? (No, this isn't a story on leaking the names of undercover CIA agents who happened to be married to administration critics.) Read on for details. [kuro5hin.org]
8:46:19 AM Permalink
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