Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Daily Kos: What Did You Expect, America?, Would you hire a babysitter who hates children and thinks they should be eliminated? Or who declares for years in your hearing that children are irritants who should be starved to be small, unseen and mute?
Would you hire cops who think laws are stupid and useless and should be abolished?
Would you hire a conductor for your orchestra who believes music itself an abomination?
Then why would you hire - and you did hire them, America; they are your employees, after all, not your rulers, despite their grandiose pretensions - members of a political party who think government is useless, ineffective, bloated and untrustworthy?
[. . .] In electing Republicans, America, you put people in charge of institutions they overtly, caustically loathe and proudly proclaim should not exist.
[. . .] Kee-rist on a pogo stick.
If you put people in charge of running a project they are ideologically committed to proving a failure, it will fail. Oh, go read the whole thing.
(Via Seeing the Forest.)
10:58:42 AM
If the Bush Administration cow-towed to wealthy people anymore Bush he'd have to start being there for the "happy endings".
The Bush administration plans to cut nearly in half the number of auditors who review tax returns of some of the wealthiest U.S. taxpayers.
Plans call for eliminating 157 of the Internal Revenue Service's 345 estate tax lawyers, The New York Times reported. The cuts will affect audits of taxpayers who are subject to gift and estate taxes when they transfer assets to their children and others, the newspaper said.
IRS Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brown told the Times he ordered the staff cuts because the number of Americans who are subject to the estate tax has fallen under the Bush administration.
However, six IRS estate tax lawyers whose jobs are at risk told the newspaper the cuts are part of a behind-the-scenes move at the IRS to shield people with political connections and complex tax-avoidance devices from thorough audits.
IRS estate tax lawyer Sharyn Phillips said the cuts were a "back-door way for the Bush administration to achieve what it cannot get from Congress, which is repeal of the estate tax."
"Back-door way", how appropriate.
(Via Rising Hegemon.)
10:55:14 AM
I'm taking the day off work today, so there'll likely be a lot of posting as I catch up on a bunch of my reading.
It's been a busy month as we finished up work on what's I guess version 1.0 of Dabble, a video aggregator/search engine and community site. It's been a long, fun haul -- I've been on it for the better part of a year, so it's very exciting to see people start using it. Lots and lots of the PHP in here is mine, as is lots and lots of the SQL. We built it on the Drupal CMS platform, which saved us an awful lot of work, and let a small team to do a lot. Working with everyone -- Paul, Ana, Tim, Lisa -- has been a pleasure, and I hope it continues.
So take a look. Sign up, Search for Steve, and add me to your contacts; I've bookmarked tons of cool videos, and built some cool playlists, such as the definitive colleciton of Mentos and Coke videos. There's a facility there to send feedback, or just use the envelope icon on this blog to let me know what you think.
9:28:36 AM
© Copyright 2006 Steve Michel.
Last update: 8/1/2006; 5:13:57 PM.