Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Anti-Gun Group Targets Campus Firearms Policies. An anti-gun group says it has surveyed gun possession policies at more than 150 'prestigious' colleges and universities, discovering 'a broad array' of policies, some of which might disturb parents whose teenagers are now applying to colleges.

'Parents wanting learning environments that are safe and secure have a right to know if they are sending their children to campuses that allow students access to weapons 24 hours a day, seven days a week,' said Nan Aron, president of the Alliance For Justice. AFJ conducted the survey in conjunction with its student-led group, Gun Industry Watch. []

AFJ says it found that enforcement of campus gun policies was inconsistent from campus to campus, and completely "lax" at certain schools, including the University of New Hampshire, Brigham Young University, the University of Idaho, Montana State University, and the University of Tennessee.

Although it's obviously not what the anti-freedom types intended, they've compiled a list of campuses that respect their students and value their safety.
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Political Assasinations, violence and some suprises.....

Last night the events leading to the deaths of the three military officers were so confusing that I preferred to pass on the subcject and simply quoted my brother's reaction to the story. Well, the more I read the details the more I am reminded that one should never believe in coincidences. Imagine this:

Saturday night near midnight, three military officers, part of the dissident miltary officers of Plaza Altamira, together with two females accmpanying them are taken by twelve men in two cars and driven away. On Monday, two of the officer's bodies are found in one location while one woman and the other officer are found shot to death in a separate location. Separately, the second woman, reportedly manages to escape, reaches a Hospital where she is treated for gunshot wounds. As she is being treated, a bus full of armed men shows up at the hospital looking for the woman and in the process injure five people, including one of the medical doctors traeting teh patient, with bullets and knives. Now, the group of armed men is led by the concubine or husband of Chavez MVR's leader Lina Ron, who is known for saying "there will be no change without violence". Five of the armed men are jailed by the municipal police, including Ron's husband. A couple of hours later, Lina Ron shows up at the police headquarters and all five men are released. The Head of police resigns and the Mayor of Sucre District, the son of Vice-President Rangel, says the two events have nothing to do with each other and that some people are still in jail.

Today, without barely any investigation, the Head of the technical police says the two cases are not connected and the motive for the assasination is not political but "passional". Meanwhile, some reports say that the three men were also witnesses to the assasinatiosn atht took place on Dec. 6th. in Plaza Altamira. The lone gunman captured that day, was accused of being close to the Mayor of another municipality of Caracas who is both close to Chavez and Lina Ron. Meanwhile,dissident leaders of Plaza Altamira, find the whole affair suspicious, including the fact that each of the military officers was from each of the three forces in the Venezuelan military.

Obviously, this all sounds so fishy as to being absolutely incredible that this is not political, led by Chavez' MVR and another vioaltion of people's political and human rights. To my surprise, Human Rights Watch, that has been so quiet and lenient, and in my opinion partial to the Government, about the events in Venezuela, issued today a press release urging the Government to investigate the cases, saying "all indications are that they were political assasinations". Wow! What is going on here! Have these people seen the light?

Meanwhile, some people are even connecting Chavez' cancellation of his trip to Malaysia as being related to the assasinations. Very heavy stuff in my opinion, but will it once again, come to nothing?

[Miguel Octavio: Venezuela]

I guess even a leftist group like "Human Rights Watch" can't ignore it when Chavez's death squad acts so openly.
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Thanks, Infidels! Yours, Osama B.L.. Newsday columnist James P. Pinkerton channels OBL in an interesting piece that argues the U.S. is doing Al Qaeda's dirty... [Hit & Run]

Pinkerton makes a very good point, that attacking Iraq is exactly what Osama bin Laden wants the US to do. It got me to thinking about the way Crusaders like to refer to anyone who opposes conquering Iraq as "pro-Saddam." In the interest of justice, perhaps I should start referring to the Crusaders as "pro-Osama."
comment () trackback ()  9:50:28 AM    

Woke up in a Dictartoship today.

Today I woke up in a Dictartoship. Up to now Hugo Chavez and his hoodlums had been using the law to "hide" the repressive and intolerant nature of this Government. Last night they detained one of the two most important leaders of the opposition and an order is out to capture the Head of the Federation of Unions (CTV) the other visible leader of the opposition. The charge: treason and inciting rebellion. This is political, this is repressive and coupled with assasinations last Monday indicates to me that Chavez has decided to step out of Democracy. The charges against the two most important leaders of the opposition are just an excuse to neutralize them and silence others. The Government quickly charges two political opponents on these charges, but assasins from April are still free or not charged, no investigation has been made of other gunmen on Dec. 6th. and many other political and violent crimes have yet to be investigated. But this one has, with efficiency. Maybe the world will now understand what is going on here in Venezuela.

[Miguel Octavio: Venezuela]

I think at some point, perhaps now, the people of Venezuela should stop relying entirely on protests and exercise their right to "vote 'no' with the weapon of their choice."
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Symantec explains its 'we spotted Slammer' claim. Over-excited marketing people, it seems [The Register]
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Sara Kehaulani Goo and Carrie Johnson at The Washington Post - Police Searching Cars at Random Outside Airports - another bite taken out of what little is left of the fourth amendment. [smith2004]
First, air travelers had to submit to an electronic wand waved over the body. Then they were asked to remove their shoes. After that, their checked luggage was opened and searched. Now, with the nation under a Code Orange alert, local police are pulling over drivers as they approach airport terminals for random searches of their vehicles.

The searches at all three major Washington area airports and across the nation have met resistance in some cities as airport managers assess their legality. The measures, ordered by the federal agency in charge of airport security, have been criticized by civil liberties groups and prompted legal scholars to question whether random searches imposed by the federal government violated states' rights.
[End the War on Freedom]

The legality of the searches is very simple to assess and has nothing to do with states' rights. In fact, they are a clear violation of the following federal law:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

United States Constitution, Fourth Amendment
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