Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Help Wanted. If any of our readers are Iraqi permanent residents we'd love to hear from you. The voice of Iraqi's is being grossly misrepresented by British media and we'd love to do our small part to adjust the balance. Death to Saddam!... [Samizdata.net]
Of course Salam's weblog already provides this voice. It's safe to say that Salam's opinion of the "liberate Iraq" propaganda doesn't do much to advance the cause of a Crusader like Dale Amon, though.
6:45:00 PM
A Gizabi at Janes -
Sinking into the Afghan swamp - think the U.S. won the war in
Afghanistan? Think again. [rrnd]
US forces have used tactics that are offensive to Afghans. They
treated every Afghan with suspicion as if he was a member of Al-Qaeda;
they entered houses without permission; they body-searched women - a
taboo in the Muslim world, especially in Afghanistan; and they bombed
innocent civilians and arrested and mistreated people, all because of
mistaken identity or misinformation. They did not show sensitivity to
Afghan culture. [End the War on Freedom]
Those tactics would be pretty offensive to Americans too. It's hardly surprising that people there are getting sick of being pushed around.
Anyone naive enough to believe the propaganda about how the US will "liberate" Iraq should take note. This is what "liberation" looks like.
10:38:28 AM
Operation Pipe Dreams. The feds busted 55 people for selling drug paraphernalia online. "Quite simply, the illegal drug paraphernalia industry has invaded the... [Hit & Run]
Once again the "Justice" Department has demonstrated its contempt for the Constitution.
8:56:17 AM
ARA aka Armed Robbery Agency. Yesterday, the Assets Recovery Agency has been set up to seize the wealth of previously untouchable "Mr Bigs" who have not been convicted of an offence but whose way of life is paid for by crime. It will take on cases referred to it by UK police forces, Customs & Excise, the Inland Revenue, the National Crime Squad and the Serious Fraud Office. Its work is considered so sensitive that its agents will be allowed... [Samizdata.net]
This sort of open looting has been going on for years in the United States under the name "asset forfeiture." No doubt British subjects will soon be discovering that having the wrong skin color is enough reason to have your life savings stolen by government thugs.
8:52:25 AM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
3/9/2005; 2:48:09 PM.