Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Congress Repeals Laws. WASHINGTON--Amid concerns about a declining industrial base and outsourcing of high-tech jobs to low-wage countries, a bill to repeal both the Law of Comparative Advantage and the Law of Demand passed both houses of Congress Thursday with near-unanimous bipartisan support.... [Mises Economics Blog: Austrian Economics and Libertarian Political Theory]
Although this is a parody, Congress does repeatedly pass bills that attempt to repeal reality. They're just more obscure about it.
10:22:45 AM
Bloomberg reports that opium production in Afghanistan is at record levels. It employs 1.7 m Afghans. This cash-flow will serve to reinforce the demonstrate the economic value of failed states for terrorist organizations. State failure = New sources of funding. [John Robb's Weblog]
The "failed state" in this case is not Afghanistan, but the United States of America, which has ensured that opium sells for vastly inflated prices through the War on Some Drugs.
9:12:26 AM
Bumper sticker seen on the way to work:
If we don't vote, will they all go away?
8:40:51 AM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
2/15/2006; 1:59:55 PM.