Friday, June 11, 2004
A Great Leader Passes. It's time to stop the divisions and the carping. Let us unite as one and recognize that we have lost a great leader, indeed a world leader. One doesn't have to agree with his every act to know that here was a great man. Where does America get such men? A leader who put a apring in our step and a song in our hearts, a man who served the people until illness struck him down. Forget tax cuts. Here is a man who never taxed us to begin with, who never waged a war and bombed the innocent, a man who dealt only in the voluntary market with willing consumers. To politicians, what I'd say: Hit the road, Jack. But Ray Charles, RIP. [LewRockwell.com Blog]
12:12:32 PM
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Ken Hagler.
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2/15/2006; 2:01:47 PM.