Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
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Sunday, August 01, 2004

Another First. The British government is advocating the vaccination of children against particular behaviours using the forthcoming array of pharmacotherapy vaccines. These would innoculate children against a host of behaviours that the government defines as anti-social: drinking, smoking, drugs, blogging and so on. The article explains that "Doctors would immunize children at risk of becoming smokers or drug users with an injection" and that the program would operate in a way similar to the "current nationwide measles,... []

It's only a matter of time before the US government starts pushing this idea. I wouldn't even be surprised if they've already started some hush-hush pilot program in some poor innner-city neighborhood somewhere.
6:36:06 PM    comment ()

A picture named africa.gifSpoke with Jim Moore this afternoon, he says the genocide in Sudan has reached the boil-over point. Nigeria and France are preparing to enter, and the US has committed funds to support an intervention. The Holocaust Museum, for the first time, has said this is a genocide emergency. I've been reading the blogs, Passion of the Present and Jim's Berkman weblog. [Scripting News]

ust in case there's anyone who still thinks that France opposed the conquest of Iraq out of some principled objection to unprovoked invasions of foreign countries.
6:30:39 PM    comment ()

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