Were the machines rigged?. Two separate people on TV are reporting that in some voting centres, there are strange coincidences in the total number of Si votes. In one center with nine lists of voters, three lists had 117 SI votes, three had 127 votes and three had 133 votes. In a different center, all nine had exactly the same number of Sí votes. The theory that is being proposed is that the voting machines were programmed not to exceed a certain number and anything above was added to the No vote to make the total coincide with the number of voters. There is still now word on whether the paper ballots are going to be counted or not. [Satan's Poop Inc. Paila Master: Venezuela]
The use of electronic voting machines in Venezuela is rather significant, I think. They've been pushed here in the US ever since the last Presidential election, but they're inherently subject to fraud. These machines had made some inroads into California, but we manage to get rid of them, at least for the time being, after various problems came to light.
I would consider any vote held using voting machines to be automatically invalid, regardless of the outcome. An election where the outcome is determined by which side has better hackers is not democratic.
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