San Francisco Chronicle - San Francisco,CA,USA - Proposition 69 could threaten privacy of DNA. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a ballot argument in support of Proposition 69 in July. If approved by voters on Nov. 2, it would unleash the government to gather this information to a degree and among unprecedented numbers of people. Proposition 69 extends collection to every felonious offense and, within five years, requires every adult and juvenile in California arrested for -- but not convicted of (ed. emphasis added) -- a felony to provide the government with cells containing his or her complete genetic structure.
Proposition 69 does not stop there. It would apply retroactively, empowering the government to seek out individuals previously arrested for a felony but found not guilty (ed. emphasis added) , and require them to turn over their DNA.
Naturally I'll vote against this, although I doubt it will make any difference in the end. Even if this proposition is defeated, it will just show up as an obscure clause to some huge and unrelated bill passed by the state legislature.
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