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Sunday, September 05, 2004

Arab views on the Russian hostage crisis. The BBC has a page of quotes from various Middle Eastern newspapers condemning the hostage taking in Beslan in Russia and the horrific end to the stand-off. Here are some:

A lesson in terror at a children's school - What happened at the ill-fated school is not only unjustifiable and unacceptable, it also provokes anger and revulsion among Muslim public opinion, since it tarnishes the name of all Muslims and distorts the image of our noble faith.

-Jordan's Al-Dustur

An ugly crime against humanity - What happened at the Russian school is a reprehensible crime against the whole of humanity and the perpetrators should be called to account.

-Egypt's Al-Ahram

These children and their teachers had committed no crime to justify their lives being endangered and their blood shed. If this terrorist group had chosen a Russian military barracks, their cause - if they had one at all - would have been more credible and many would have sympathised with them. What happened is the absolute opposite: the world reacted to the crisis with humanity, and the only loser is the side to which they [the hostage-takers] belong.

-Saudi Arabia's Al-Watan

Curiously, the Iranian commentary is more focused on the actions taken by the Russian government, which admittedly are open to some question as well. But nothing excuses taking children as hostages, for God's sake. In what delusion did this people think this could be justified? Al-Watan has hit the nail on the head with the statement that the children and their teachers had done nothing wrong. This is the moral concept at the very heart of the Islamic ban on targeting civilians. To kill someone without right or justification when they had done no wrong is a heinous act of murder, a single act of which will send the perpetrator to Hell forever. To cause the death of 300 children - my mind shudders at the very thought. Will these people not fear Allah?

Added: More reactions from the Muslim world here. Best quote: If all the enemies of Islam united and decided to harm it... they wouldn't have ruined and harmed its image as much as the sons of Islam have done by their stupidity, miscalculations and misunderstanding. [Horrifying images of the dead and wounded students] showed Muslims as monsters who are fed by the blood of children and the pain of their families.

Further: A similar article here. [Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs]

Excellent comments. I would add that it is terribly wrong to fight the Russians by sinking to their level. I believe that when fighting against monstrous oppressors, it is absolutely necessary to maintain the moral high ground.
7:18:46 PM    comment ()

Gary North on the College Scam. Once again, Gary North is right on this very finicky subject. However, the white-collar market has been so tricked into believing that only college graduates are worthy of employment, that not getting a degree, nowadays, is a risky venture unless... [ Blog]

This really depends on what field you're in. In my field (software development), a degree is irrelevant--all that matters is experience. I've seen this from both sides, as a job-seeker and as the person reviewing resumes and doing interviews.

For example, consider two hypothetical candidates. One has a degree in Computer Science from MIT or Cal Tech, but no experience at all outside of class projects. The other is just out of high school, but has written a shareware application which he sells through a website he's designed himself. Naturally I'll want to hire the second candidate.
6:26:47 PM    comment ()

My cable modem died last night, and Comcast won't send a technician to replace it until Tuesday "between the hours of nine and one" (meaning 12:55). I'm not happy at all with this poor customer service. What's the point of having a 24/7 tech support line if they just tell you that it will take three days for them to get around to fixing your problem?
5:45:56 PM    comment ()

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