Friday, September 09, 2005
Don't Worry, We've Still Got the Third Amendment. Howard Kurtz has done a decent column about the restrictions on reporters covering Katrina. An excerpt: There have been other... [Hit and Run]
More on the government trying to interfere with the press, but apparently not actually barring them.
2:56:40 PM
Witnesses with camcorders and digital cameras NEEDED NOW. He called to tell me that a Federal Agent just confiscated his camcorder
and escorted him out of the neighborhood. He isn't sure what is going on.....
except this...
FEMA and other Federal Agents are starting to remove anyone with a camera
or camcorder. My father saw at least six people who had their cameras
confiscated. [craigslist]
I've also heard rumours that FEMA is barring the press from New Orleans. I can't say how reliable this is (and the craigslist post is marred by nauseating "it's all Bush's fault" rhetoric), but it's something else to keep an eye on. It's not surprising that the government wouldn't want people to see any more footage of old ladies being attacked by the gestapo.
2:23:33 PM
Six Days in NOLA. A remarkable photo essay from a survivor. The Times-Picayune also has a must-see photo montage; if the link doesn't work... [Hit and Run]
There are photos showing New Orleans after the hurricane but before the flooding, and others showing cops standing by and doing nothing as stores are looted.
1:11:02 PM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
2/15/2006; 2:06:25 PM.