Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Too damned cruel to endure. I CRIED MYSELF TO SLEEP LAST NIGHT. Then I woke up several times during the early hours, each time with the same unendurable image in my mind's eye. While researching for my upcoming Hardyville column, I'd run across a single paragraph describing an unforgivable cruelty to an animal and a human after Hurricane Katrina, and I just couldn't stand it any more. It was more heartbreaking than the images of that bloated, uncaring cop ripping Snowball from a crying little boy. I can't even stand to describe it this morning. But I have to so you'll know what I mean:
The historic individual cruelty of human beings pales before the cruelty of humans who subsume themselves within institutions. And those are the humans of our future. Background checked, rule-ridden, numbered, stamped, chipped, tracked, surveilled, regimented, more loyal to The Institution than to their own conscience or their own heart ... and ultimately lacking in everything that makes human life worth living.
10:25:04 AM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
2/15/2006; 2:06:37 PM.