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Friday, October 07, 2005

# Becky Akers at - Waco Reprise - forty cops manage to flush one old man from his house using 75 canisters of CS-14 tear gas. You know, the stuff they used to roast the Branch Davidians in Waco. I guess I should be thankful the fuck toads didn't kill him. [lew] [End the War on Freedom]
2:22:54 PM    comment ()

VeriSign Buys for $2.3 Million. -- which is essentially a "weblog update pinging services" -- has been purchased by VeriSign, Inc., for $2.3 Million from Scripting News, Inc (ie, Dave Winer).

In my opinion, this is mostly -- well, at least half -- about the domain name. That's a very, very good domain name, obviously.

The service it runs is important, that's true. There are lots of secondary services that check the very long list of recently updated weblogs on an hourly or daily basis. As the number of weblogs has grown over the years, the load on that server has grown by several orders of magnitude, to the point that it's almost unusable by people sitting in front of their browsers: the only 'clients' patient enough to use it are the services that ping it and the automated scripts that check it.

So, Verisign paid a couple million dollars for one of the most valuable domain names imaginable. The domain name comes with a service they'll have to run themselves which can't generate any cash on its own. They claim that they're going to maintain the service as "open and free," which is actually the only way it could be done (*nobody* would pay to ping). With a relatively small investment (less than $100K), they could/should/will set up a new ping server that can handle the load and not require constant babying.

My Prediction

Unfortunately, knowing Verisign -- part of one of the most hated companies on the internet -- they will screw this up completely. Perhaps they'll require free registration before your weblog can submit pings, or they'll change the ping API. Maybe they'll come up with some even more clever way to totally annoy the weblog-publishing masses. People will react in horror that they've broken something so important, but eventually Verisign will reveal just how they plan to make money with this domain name and eventually people will shut up.


Congratulations to Dave, though!

Now he has enough money (again) to do whatever it is he's planning with his outliner, or to go back to driving around the country, or to start pushing the next XML dialect that everybody will use and most of the digerati will hate. :-) Maybe he has something else up his sleeve! As he's made clear over the years (today being a good example), the man can talk an awful lot without ever telling us what's really going on in his head.

By Seth Dillingham. [Truer Words - A Journal]

I'm also rather curious what will happen to the subdomain.
2:05:55 PM    comment ()

From clairefiles:
Same shit, different asshole

John DeWitt said about this:
Oh, nonsense. There's no comparison.

The Nazis invaded other nations for no cause or trumped up causes. They slaughtered innocents for idealogical or ethnic grievances. They militarized their portion of the world, and formed alliances with some of the most vile and repressive regimes on earth, other than themselves. They formed and broke sham treaties. They imprisoned and tortured people without recourse. They ignored international conventions of decency. They...

Oh. Wait.

Never mind.
[End the War on Freedom]

Some additional comment from John DeWitt in the thread (replying to someone else's objection):

It's not that I want to deny the suffering caused by the US government, but I think such comparisons trivialize the suffering caused by the Nazis.

In degree you've probably got a point, but not in kind. The thing about this that always darkens my day is that I was raised believing that this sort of comparison was simply impossible; that the Nazis were the gold standard in ultimate evil, and the Americans were at the opposite moral pole.

Hitler/Bush comparisons are beside the point. It's not that personal. The Germans' fuehrer may have been a certifiable maniac, but I know of no record that he himself ever killed anybody. He got a whole nation of people to do it for him.

And those who took his orders didn't think of themselves as bad guys when they committed their horrors. They were paying back old hurts. They were securing natural resources essential to their culture. They were protecting their borders. They were defending the world from an ancient evil. And any means they had to employ to get that done were justified and right. They were the good guys. Just ask them.

What's so awful about this is that it sounds so familiar. Just watch Fox News, or read the National Review. I have grown very reluctant to identify myself with America the nation-state, because then when I said "we" have become our own worst enemy, I really would be talking about myself. I couldn't bear that.

1:18:34 PM    comment ()

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