Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Symantec Brings Complaint Against MS to EU. linumax writes "Symantec has made a complaint against Microsoft to EC anti-trust regulators over the software giant's entry into the security market. The "informal" complaint allows the Commission to consider whether or not an anti-trust case is merited. The Commission is the executive branch of the European Union (EU)." From the article: "The news comes on the day Microsoft announced plans to begin offering business users an integrated anti-virus and anti-spyware product called Microsoft Client Protection. A beta version of this product is expected to be released by year's end. The company is already offering some customers a beta version of its Windows OneCare consumer security software. At issue is Microsoft's plan to bundle its security software with Windows Vista, the next major version of the Windows operating system due next year." [Slashdot]

This is a foolish move, as it sends the message that the suits who run Symantec don't believe that our products can compete on their merits. As someone who's actually involved in the development of Symantec's products, I have more confidence in them.
4:40:21 PM    comment ()

Quote of the day:

The president's so stubborn that were he captain of the Titanic, he would have run the ship into a second iceberg to prove he meant to hit the first one.

Rogers Cadenhead
12:56:48 PM    comment ()

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