Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Are Skimpy Raises the New Normal?. Lam1969 writes "Computerworld just released their latest salary survey, and it finds that IT worker bees have once again only received small raises. The article notes, "IT raises still lagged slightly behind the average of about 3.2% for all U.S. workers as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While the majority of respondents (69%) said their 2004 base salary increased from one year ago, 31% experienced either no change in salary or had their pay cut." It goes on to quote LAN specialist Stephen Noisseau as saying, "I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles ... I'll take 4% over nothing. We're getting basically cost-of-living raises."" [Slashdot]

In my experience the only way to get more money in this field is to get a job at another company that pays more.
comment () trackback ()  11:50:47 PM    

Five Years Later: It Still Sucks.

It's been five years since I mentioned that email clients suck infinitely.

Nothing has changed. It's the same on the Mac and the PC.

This is commodity software that we all use, but because it's nearly all free the innovation happens elsewhere.

I use Mailsmith, a commercial (read: not free) email client. It's the best I've ever used, but it still doesn't support IMAP. I want to switch to IMAP, but I don't want to drop the 99 other Mailsmith features I'd hate to go without, like it's awesome filtering system.

Juston Wood started this round of the conversation. I picked it up on Brent's site this morning. By Seth Dillingham. [Truer Words - A Journal]

I wouldn't put it so strongly, but I'm also not completely happy with the email clients available. I currently use the last Mac OS version of Entourage, which generally works well, but sometimes spam (which is often malformed) causes it to crash.

I have a Filemaker database for archiving email, with a Frontier suite for getting messages from an email app and moving them into the database. This limits the useable email apps to Mac OS apps which have good scripting support. Unforunately some otherwise good email clients, such as Thunderbird, are not scriptable.
comment () trackback ()  12:31:21 PM    

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