Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Iraq and Vietnam. Here's another comparison that is of interest from Gareth Porter:

As a historian of the Vietnam War, I agree that Iraq is very different from Vietnam. Prospects for overcoming the insurgency in Iraq are much worse.

Read the whole thing. [John Robb's Weblog]

Also note that the article was written over a year ago.
comment () trackback ()  11:48:17 PM    

Prime Human Cloning Researcher Humiliated. Starker_Kull writes "Today, the first scientist to clone human egg cells, Dr. Hwang Woo-suk, was forced to resign from his post for 'breaches of ethics'. It appears that the ethical breaches consisted of overzealous assistants who volunteered their own eggs for use. After Dr. Hwang declined the offer, the assistants secretly donated their eggs under false names. After Dr. Hwang discovered the deception, he tried to cover it up to protect his researchers - but the news eventually leaked out."


I can find nothing in the article suggesting that Dr. Hwang actually did anything wrong or unethical. It looks to me like any humiliation should be on the Luddites who make up absurd rules to hinder scientific research and who hounded this man into resigning.
comment () trackback ()  12:19:39 PM    

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