Updated: 4/11/2002; 10:07:37 PM.
Pirillo's Headline Happiness
This Stuff is Totally Newsworthy!

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

The Gurus of Wireless Innovation. They may not grab headlines like Case, Gates and Jobs, but the world of wireless technology has its share of recognized gurus -- people whose innovative ideas either gave birth to today's major products or promise to greatly influence future trends.
11:38:51 PM    

New Hustler Club to open in San Francisco. Larry Flynt to hold Press Party for grand opening of San Francisco Hustler Club. Opening Night Press Party Set For February 20, 2002. Five nights of Hustler celebrations announced. Celebrities, Bay Area VIP, large crowds expected.
11:38:42 PM    

Nvidia takes on all comers with GeForce 4. GeForce 4 family comes in three flavours: the high-end Ti; the mainstream MX; and the Mobile 4xx GO. OEM systems featuring the MX are already shipping, mobile systems will launch this month and Ti boards will hit retail in 60 days or so, Nvidia says.
11:37:56 PM    

The Blog Phenomenon. The vanity page is dead; long live the Blog. The vanity Web page has lost momentum. People who posted one have already done so, and the growth has slowed. Most are uninteresting and uninspired. Cat pictures dominate too many of them.
11:37:34 PM    

Radio 8.0.4 is an app-only release that adds Simple Cross-Network Scripting, a feature that was designed four years ago, that pushes Radio to the leading-edge in simple client-side scripting of XML-RPC (today) and SOAP (later this month). It has an open driver-based architecture so support for new protocols can be added without kernel changes.
11:36:59 PM    

HELP - Tech goes abroad. Bolivia, Mozambique and Tanzania are to be first among a dozen developing countries to receive teams of high-tech consultants.
11:36:44 PM    

I think we're alone now. Thanks to Candi for this frightening little discovery -- remember bubble-gum-pop, mallrat-wannabe, 80s "star" Tiffany? It appears she's dropping her...
11:36:37 PM    

I've been corresponding the last few days with a fellow author working on breaking down the differences between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi/802.11b, and I think I've come up with a clear set of differences on the approach that developers, makers, and backers of the two take to the respective technologies. [80211b News]
11:36:31 PM    

50 Years. It is Mr. Potato Head's 50th Anniversary. Pointed out to me over lunch at the 59 Diner by Kymberlie. Yummmy...
11:36:22 PM    

The 80s in a Nutshell. I give you a photo to summarize an entire era of history. Update: I was reminded that those shows were from the 80s. Yipes.
11:35:56 PM    

EXIF 2.2 standard - the new PIM?. JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Assocation) Technical Standardization Committee has today published the new EXIF 2.2 standard (white paper, open for comment until 5th April 2002)...
11:35:41 PM    

OMG... Alf is back! Thankfully not the TV show, though you can still catch re-runs of the show. I'm watching Law & Order on A&E while I'm deleting the hundreds of spam messages clogging my Exchange mailbox. All of a sudden, there's... [Furo.com]
11:35:25 PM    

Robot wars for real. Robots are being let loose in a colony of machines in an attempt to find out whether they can learn from their experiences.
11:34:43 PM    

Dot-com deadpool finds life in services. The Web site that gained notoriety as a repository for dot-com death notices is changing its stripes, betting that Internet businesses may have a real future after all.
11:34:34 PM    

How much does broadband really cost?. I don't mean things like an ISPs Terms of Service, or customer service issues or even political shenanigans. I mean actual costs for a provider to provide ADSL or cable access to the Internet and still turn a profit.
11:34:27 PM    

Cam BAAAAAM Bigelow!. I am just amazed then when you work 8 hours a day, your "free time" vanishes without a trace. How did I ever manage work and theatre and chiropractic visits together? I left the house at 6:40pm, got back around...
11:34:19 PM    

More adventures in bootleg DVDs: I picked up The Lord of the Rings on DVD today from a street vendor in New York City. I'm really curious as to how these bootleggers have this movie on DVD already...
11:33:32 PM    

Ev Is Alive. I hate to do the trite thing and post about not posting, but this is certainly one the longest Evhead silent times ever. And I know you miss my regular...
11:33:08 PM    

Or am I?
7:46:38 PM    

Still here. ;)
7:46:07 PM    

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