Updated: 4/11/2002; 10:07:43 PM.
Pirillo's Headline Happiness
This Stuff is Totally Newsworthy!

Saturday, February 23, 2002

Howto: Using Ogg Vorbis. Anonymous Reader writes: "TuxPPC has done a small Ogg Vorbis HowTo on how to use the free audio codec to store and play your music data as an alternative to Mp3." [NewsForge: Open Source News]
4:06:15 PM    

For the Geek in Me.... Get your favorite geeks some errorwear: embrace your computer problems. These crack me up. [via bobupndown]... [Blah Blah Blog]
4:05:53 PM    

Fire up that Google indexing. This is a drinking game we used to play all of the time in college -- "what's the best porn... [Ain't Too Proud to Blog]
2:34:34 PM    

Can AOL Make Money from IM?. Analysis: Now that instant messaging has taught us all to "lol" and "brb," there is a high-stakes race on to monetize the popular application. Can America Online's AIM win that race? [Product News]
2:34:31 PM    

Spell checking your e-mails. Quite honestly, there's no excuse for spelling errors anymore. Typos were frequent in the days of the typewriter; misspellings were common in the handwritten letter era. Though, there's virtually no quick way to spell check a word when you're in anything other than a "Microsoft Office Spell Checker" supported application. Lockergnomie Tom Maenner had issues with the feature in Outlook Express after he upgraded to Windows XP. "I had to locate 'csapi3t1.dl_' on the Windows XP CD and expand it as 'csapi3t1.dll' in this directory: C:\ Program Files \ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Proof. Worked like a charm." I'm not certain if this will work on every machine, but it's worth trying if the tool isn't operational for you. If you dork up words every other minute, consider turning on the "Spell Check before Sending" feature in your default e-mail client. It's and its, than and then, their and they're, or any other homophone may slip through the cracks. Butt at least you won't look like a total fool - just a parshal one. Even online, credibility counts. [Lockergnome Windows Daily]
2:34:26 PM    

Software lets Intel servers divide. Improved software hands Intel servers some valuable features of higher-end Unix systems and mainframes, letting a single machine "partition" and act like several computers. [CNET News.com]
2:34:22 PM    

Cuppa Joe, Easy on the Tummy. If coffee gives you an ache in the gut, try The Considerate Coffee, which claims to remove the irritants that aggravate the digestive system. But does it really do what it says? By Katie Dean. [Wired News]
2:34:18 PM    

Turning into digital goldfish. Digital distractions like the web and e-mail can leave you with the attention span of a goldfish, nine seconds. [BBC News: sci/tech]
2:34:14 PM    

Lexar announces 24x Pro CF cards. PMA 2002: Lexar Media has today announced new 24x professional Compact Flash cards. Lexar claim a throughput of 3.6 MB per second (although they don't specify which camera this was tested on) where 1x is 150... [Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com)]
2:34:10 PM    

RADIO - Pay to stream. Federal regulators Wednesday set the rate Internet radio stations must pay for the right to stream music online. [Lockergnome Bytes]
2:34:05 PM    

15035 » February 23 1:39 PM. Animator Chuck Jones Dead at 89. After a 60+ year career of over 300 animated films, what's your favorite Chuck Jones cartoon? [MetaFilter]
2:34:02 PM    

Life without JavaScript. Recently, I have been reviewing and judging many Web sites and put them to the test by turning off JavaScript in one browser. The results of non-JavaScript surfing were amazing.... [meryl's notes]
2:33:58 PM    

Pervasive Computing - Where's the Off Switch?. Almost everyone supports or is looking forward to pervasive computing. But that which can be used also can be abused, and this sort of technology is the stuff of nightmares for many who fear for their privacy and individuality. [osOpinion]
2:33:53 PM    

Microsoft opts to share more code. CW360.com Feb 22 2002 9:44AM ET [Moreover - Top technology stories]
2:33:48 PM    

"The Matrix" Website Updated [Slashdot]
2:33:44 PM    

PC Magazine: iMac elegant and powerful [MacNN]
2:33:39 PM    

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