Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Gimme a Link

Colin Powell said something about France and Germany having been the marriage counseling for years and it appears they need another session.  Anyone have a link on that? It's priceless.

4:32:11 PM  #  

Hometown Pride: Supplying the Troops

I come from the Quad Cities. The area of the midwest is full of farms, manufacturing, and the little known Rock Island Arsenal. The Arsenal is the home of the AMC (Army Material Command) to the troops and is under the direction of Brig. General Vince Boles. Run by a group of Quad City civilians who are part Corp of Engineers and part active military are the logistical heartbeat of getting everything from Hummer parts, ammunitions, and water bottles to the troops. A majority of the logistical command in charge are civilians who volunteer for this duty. After hearing all the stories about well they are taking care of business, I am both humbled and very proud.

3:14:34 PM  #  

Hitting Home: MIA's are from Home

News has filtered down in the past 48 hours that two of the missing Marines are from home. Brad Korthaus of Davenport, IA is still MIA.  Evan Corngay's body was found yesterday. He's from the Peoria area.

2:37:21 PM  #  

Strategic Planning: JR's Right

John Robb's Radio Weblog: Here is the rub.  When we get to Baghdad in a couple of days after the destruction of the Medina divsion south of the city (which I hope we will kill in a similar fashion to the way we killed retreating troops from Kuwait), we will be at a standstill.  We don't want to go in.  We can't go in.  And then the game will be different.  It will be a waiting game.  We will eventually destroy lights and water.  And then we will wait. JR's right.

Let me add a couple ACSP (Arm Chair Strategic Planning): We must clean out and secure the southern sections of Iraq so it is safe for the troops and citizens of that area. Uday and sick his crew are the enemy in charge area of the country. They are big trouble.

2:17:58 PM  #  

Warning SkullXWord to the Wise - Update Browser & AntiVirus

If you haven't recently updated IE or your antivirus software in the past 24-48 hours, I suggest you do so ASAP. It appears that there are new problems in IE and viri lurking out there that can completely take over your machine, rendering your data worthless. Word to the wise.

3:42:02 AM  #  

What Doc May Lose on This TripWhat Doc May Lose This Trip

Doc's at PC Forum this week playing with the new toys and reporting on the happenings at Esther's annual meeting of the minds and money. Doc has been taking pictures like a rabbit and playing with a new product called Preclick. Preclick is neat. It allows groups to share photos and archive them to a common library. Note Doc's taking pictures of things he "might lose" this trip. ;-)

1:22:44 AM  #