Now the real task begins
Is Saddam dead? Who cares, who knows, but his government is now out of power. If he is alive I think we can expect at some point to see him meet Benito's fate. This is not over by a long shot, but much closer then we expected. People will continue to die as consolidation, and clean up occurs, but the Iraqi people spoke today, as they helped tear down the statue of their hated former leader. To this point the war has gone as I expected, though casualties have been lower then I thought they would be, and I thought I was being optimistic.
The real task lies ahead as the difficult task begins for the rebuilding of Iraq, and the formation of a democratic government. I have to say that so far I am not impressed with Carbali, the leader of one of the factions. He was complaining, bitterly asking where the re-builders were, where the leaders of the that effort were. Get a clue, this will not happen overnight. The statue was just torn down today, it's a tad early to be complaining. I think his was the first shot across the bow of what will be the difficult task of giving Iraq something they have never really had, freedom
12:27:50 PM