lundi 6 janvier 2003

Relax Karl !

Journal : Run Karl Run. Je ne m'appelle pas Lola, mais certaines de mes journées sont des courses interminables. Et lorsque la nuit arrive, l'impression unique que l'on a passé la journée à courir s'inscrit en vous définitivement et aussi surement que la fatigue qui l'accompagne. [Karl & Cow - The Boring Weblog]

Pour le mobicarnet je te remercie encore. Mais rassure-toi, on a une solution de secours à priori si tu ne pouvais être 100% opérationnel pour vendredi ;-) Emmanuelle est bientôt de retour sur les ondes et ne devrait plus tarder à trouver un cybercafé !

2:58:51 PM  #   

Lilia est formidable... (Sebastien aussi mais on le savait déjà !)

Change management and blogs.

Sebastian Fiedler and Pam Pritchard are discussing why blogs are not implemented yet in every classroom. The discussion goes around the need to change learning and teaching cultures, resistance of teachers to "leave their comfort zone" and luck of funding for the new technology.

At the same time Sebastian Fiedler and me are discussing about selection of blogging tools for Quaerere group (choosing blogging software, blog pilot, and e-mail).

I believe that both are change management problems (known as diffusion of innovations in educational domain): we have a new idea, we believe that it will improve our work and we are trying to get others joining us. We are not the first there :)))

I want to have your attention for two pieces. The first one (source) refers to Rogers' Diffusion of innovations book that describes the characteristics of innovations that are more likely to be adopted:

Relative advantage - potential adopters need to see an advantage for adopting the innovation

Compatibility - innovations need to fit in with potential adopters' current practices and values

Complexity - innovations' ease of use will lead to more rapid adoption

Trialability - potential adopters want the availability of "testing" before adopting

Observability - potential adopters want to see observable results of an innovation

The second one is by Diane Dormant (1997, p.144). She writes about different stages of acceptance of innovation and suggests that strategies for each of them:

If the person is in the stage of… Then the strategy to use is to…

  • Passive regarding the change
  • Little/no information about change
  • Little/no opinion about change

  • Advertise
  • Be an ad agent
  • Be credible and positive
  • Appeal to his or her needs and wants

  • Curiosity
  • More active regarding change
  • Expresses personal job concerns
  • Asks questions about own work and change

  • Inform
  • Identify specific concerns
  • Provide clear info about concerns
  • Emphasize pluses, acknowledge minuses

  • Envisioning
  • Active regarding change
  • Expresses work-related job concerns
  • Asks questions about how change works

  • Demonstrate
  • Give success images
  • Provide demonstrations
  • Connect with peer users

  • Tryout
  • Active regarding change
  • Has opinions about change
  • Interested in learning how-to

  • Train
  • Provide effective training
  • Provide job aids, check lists
  • Promise technical follow-up

  • Use
  • Active regarding change
  • Uses change on the job
  • Asks detailed questions about use

  • Support
  • Provide necessary technical help
  • Provide reinforcement
  • Provide recognition
  • My experience from previous "practitioner" life is: if people are at awareness stage it's useless to push them using new things. I'm trying to follow these ideas with Quaerere blog pilot. I want to start small and simple, so people can try it out and see if there is something for them. And only after we could talk about hosting, costs and other things.

    It seems that I'm getting the topic to write about for BlogTalk :) Anyone to join?

    I have a copy of this chapter from somewhere and I assume that the full reference is:

    Dormant, D. (1997) Planning change: past, present, future. In R. Kaufman, S. Thiagarajan, and P. MacGillis (eds.), The guidebook for performance improvement: woring with individuals and organizations. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

    I'm not 100% sure if I can reproduce it here, so please let me know if I can't.

    [Mathemagenic][via Sebastien]

    Quel "cercle d'empathie" et comment arriver à te suivre Sebastien dans ton galop multi-communautaire ?
    Comment traduire "community straddling" ? "chevauchement de communautés..." 

    11:46:53 AM  #   

    bougies reçues par courriel de lionel et placées provisoirement sur une vieille URL manila

    Elle est belle ta carte Lionel ;-)

    10:59:34 AM  #   

    Je fais quelques tests pour poster des images via email. Je vous tiens au courant. [Radio UserLand Francophone]

    Cool, tu aurais une idée pour trouver une technique plus fine que l'adresse IP afin de géolocaliser les mobicarnets personnels ?

    7:37:38 AM  #