Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
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Monday, November 11, 2002


CNET -> ViewSonic picks Microsoft Smart Displays. "The monitor company plans to announce details for its first two devices using the software behemoth's Smart Displays software, technology intended to extend the reach of PCs."

11:13:32 PM  comment []    


ZDNet AnchorDesk -> AnchorDesk Radio: Recent shows -> David Coursey


Monday, Nov. 11
"Today's show starts off with a discussion of Microsoft's Windows strategy. The company appears to have given up (again) on its long-term goal of merging its desktop and server OSes. "Longhorn" will now be the desktop successor to Windows XP, and "Blackcomb" will be the follow-on to Windows .Net Server. Next, ZDNet Tech Update's David Berlind explains why MS's Tablet PC isn't quite ready for prime time. And finally, IDC analyst Alex Slawsby discusses the latest mobile and wireless news"


8:44:44 PM  comment []    


Jeremy Allaire's Radio -> Web Publishing for Everyone

"Today, Macromedia launched Macromedia Contribute, a powerful new desktop application that aims to unleash web publishing for everyone, while providing control to web professionals ultimately responsible for websites and applications.

It's amazing that after 8 years we haven't had technologies like this --- it's still much much too hard for the average end-user to use the web as a personal communications and publishing tool. Norm Meyrowitz, our president of products, ruminates here about this fact.

We went through years of everyone believing they need "content management systems", and have learned that what we really need are powerful, usable, and affordable tools that are pragmatic and open, not expensive, complex, and inflexible, which has become the norm in content management.

On a side note, Contribute opens up some interesting potential synergies with the weblog universe -- Dreamweaver MX Templates + Contriute could make a powerful one-two punch for enabling a far greater number of users to easily publish weblogs. "

1:07:14 PM  comment []    


Neuros Link via Slashdot-> Neuros - Portable MP3 player, FM radio, Digital Recorder->

"Neuros' built-in microphone lets you record your ideas and save them for later. These recordings are saved digitally in an MP3 file format so you can download to your computer, send out to others, or easily archive."

Some of  Neuros key features:

MyFi - MyFi allows you to broadcast the music on your Neuros through any FM radio.

Xi - Neuros created Xi (Extra Information) menus.  The customizable Neuros Xi pop-up menus provide shortcuts to functions that automatically integrate your Neuros with your PC and the Internet.

Synchronize - No more getting stuck in front of the PC to make changes. Do it all on the Neuros, synchronize, and get on with it.

FM Radio - Neuros has a built-in FM Radio with five preset buttons so you can play your favorite stations with one click, just like on your car stereo.

Recording - Hear a song on the radio you want to add to your collection? Record it to your Neruos. Want to transfer classic albums to MP3? Record them to your Neuros. Want to sample someone's voice on your next mix? Record them to your Neuros. Neuros is able to digitally encode recordings automatically into MP3 format from the FM radio or from any device using a line-in connection.

Microphone - Neuros' built-in microphone lets you record your ideas and save them for later. These recordings are saved digitally in an MP3 file format so you can download to your computer, send out to others, or easily archive.

Presets - Set your favorite FM stations, songs, playlists, recordings, even HiSi clips.

7:31:22 AM  comment []    


The Seattle Times -> Open-spectrum advocates say it will boost technology  ->

"But the open-spectrum advocates have found a powerful ally in Microsoft, which has launched a full-fledged lobbying effort in Washington, D.C., to promote the idea. "

7:08:46 AM  comment []    


Wired News -> Gadget Overload Relief in Sight.  "Technology called software defined radio, or SDR, could herald the development of new wireless devices that combine multiple applications into a single appliance. By Paul Boutin. "

6:53:09 AM  comment []    

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