Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

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Tuesday, November 26, 2002


Scripting News -> News.Com: "High-speed Internet service providers are considering adopting new pricing plans that if widely adopted could take a bite out of file swapping."

10:58:08 AM  comment []    


Haley's right on the mark

Halley's Comment: What's a Weblog? 


"1. A weblog (or blog) is a daily online diary on the Net where you write and publish at the near-same moment to a few million of your closest friends, except only about 20 people actually read what you write. "

Halley can certainly tell it like it is!!  In reality 95% of us use our weblogs to communicate with our inner circle of peers/friends/vertical market.  The occasional user that finds our weblog through a search engine like google is a blip on our radar.  Most likely they hit us by doing a search on something we commented/linked to.  Chances are they won't be back.


"5. Blogs are embarrassingly textual and visual now, but will soon be audio/video. Don't hold it against them. They're trying to get there asap. You will hear them talking soon. Yes, that A/V guy who was a putz in 8th grade will be king. Just get used to it."

The fact is blogs will need to be hosted on our own residential servers, connected to the Internet if we are scale to blogs that aren't just textual.

Pressures to move to the next level, beyong text will increase as the next growth in Internet access devices goes to mobile devices that will not be textual-visual friendly.

And most of all, we want to do more with the residential servers than just blog and for aggregating our content through RSS over the Internet(don't get me wrong this is a great inportant feature but not the only meaning of having a residential server)!!  Blogging will just be a one feature, one type of network among many the residential server will participate in.

Link Via Scripting News ->


8:37:27 AM  comment []    


Start today

We need to start putting together our home networks/servers.   Forget about hosting your website/weblogs on others servers.  They don't scale to the next level just like mainframes didn't and will get very expensive and confining as we move to using fatter file types and need other features from our residential servers.

Some will say "just leave your PC always on" but that is not the answer as we begin to use notebooks and mobile devices and need to carry them with us.  Besides, isn't a computer that is always on a server. Then build/design and treat it like one.

We need to start looking at  choices like Clark Connect.


What is ClarkConnect?

ClarkConnect is a software package that transforms standard PC hardware into a dedicated broadband gateway and easy-to-use server.  The software is a great solution for small businesses and organizations, home offices, and networked homes!

 Description and Features


7:48:42 AM  comment []    


Making residential servers a reality

Residential servers is where we are heading.  Why aren't we starting to go there today?  Sure there are work arounds today that we can (and are) use to create applications today but before we get to far with the standards/processes we need to build the next level to show/educate the broadband vendors/competiton what we really want their network to be compatable with open standards and residential servers.


Internet – Mirror of Mankind
Empire Club Meeting
Nov 14, 2002
Vinton G. Cerf

Internet - Mirror of Mankind ->

"One of the other characteristics of most of the present-day broadband Internet access services is asymmetry. Cable modems support much higher data rates from the network than to the network. Similarly for DSL and digital satellite. Until symmetric broadband services are available to customers, a number of server-based or peer-to-peer applications will not find fruition. Once services such as gigabit ethernet are accessible, users will be able to transmit as much as they receive, making residential servers a reality. Once upon a time it was speculated that no one would want a computer in their home – now they are quite common and home servers may well be another surprise in the making."

"My estimates are that the number of users on the Internet will increase to as many as 2.2 billion by the year 2010. The number of devices on the Internet is also likely to increase dramatically over the next several years with an estimated 2.4 billion devices by 2006, including about 1.5 billion Internet-enabled mobiles and 900 million other clients and servers."


6:44:45 AM  comment []    



Darknets: "for example, their family, various special interest groups, friends from high-school, and colleagues in part-time jobs"

Don't these groups resemble our weblog audience?



P2P: They can slow it down, but they can't kill it, says new research paper

"But what's this?

In their abstract, they say, "We speculate that there will be short-term impediments to the effectiveness of the darknet as a distribution mechanism, but ultimately the darknet-genie will not be put back into the bottle."

Does this mean ........? "

...and the paper they are refering to:

The darknet and the future of content distribution
P. Biddle, P. England, M. Peinado, and B. Willman (Microsoft Corporation)

"In concrete terms, students in dorms will establish darknets to share content in their social group. These darknets may be based on simple file sharing, DVD-copying, or may use special application programs or servers: for example, a chat or instant-messenger client enhanced to share content with members of your buddy-list.  Each student will be a member of other darknets: for example, their family, various special interest groups, friends from high-school, and colleagues in part-time jobs (Fig. 3).  If there are a few active super-peers - users that locate and share objects with zeal - then we can anticipate that content will rapidly diffuse between darknets, and relatively small darknets arranged around social groups will approach the aggregate libraries that are provided by the global darknets of today. Since the legal exposure of such sharing is quite limited, we believe that sharing amongst socially oriented groups will increase unabated."


4:52:44 AM  comment []    

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