Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

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Sunday, December 01, 2002


Link via Scripting News ->

Matt Mower: "When trying to handle feeds from multiple blogs, inevitably, as Mikel points out, we will reach the situation where people using different words to mean the same topic. This will be a problem, but hopefully not as a big of a problem as it could be. It is for this reason that I have been tracking XFML so carefully. With XFML we have the ability to say 'A's topic X is the same as B's topic Y'. liveTopics already does XFML."

9:26:46 PM  comment []    


Context Magazine: The Sky's No Longer the Limit. David Reed. But it is time for a more fundamental change. To this point, spectrum has been treated as scarce. It was, in the time of the Titanic, because of the technology available then, but not any longer. Instead, there is reason to see spectrum as almost limitless... [Tomalak's Realm]

9:23:46 PM  comment []    


allNetDevices Wireless News -> Public Wireless Access Will Grow.  "A new report from the Yankee Group says the hotspot market in North America is poised to become a billion dollar business."

9:20:06 PM  comment []    


Via 80211b News -> ‘Wi-Fi’ gives cell carriers static:

"This very thorough story -- available for free via MSNBC -- outlines the threat to cellular's next generation. As one interviewee notes, the majority of places that high-speed cellular would be ideal can be more easily served by Wi-Fi. This is in accord with my world view. I'm waiting for the time when an article like this can focus on the next level, rather than recapitulating everyone since prehistory. It takes maturity for a technology before mainstream business reporting can assume its readers can understand the background in a paragraph instead of 1,000 words. The New York Times already assumes that, but that's partly because of their heavy tech focus over the last few years, and their Circuits section."

2:10:50 PM  comment []    

John Robb's Radio Weblog ->

"Lou Josephs thinks adding P2P to weblogs will make Jack Valenti gag.  I am not so sure about that.  The reason adding P2P to weblogs will happen (perhaps sooner than most people realize) is that it will make it possible to publish original audio and video without spending the big bucks to host it (via scalable P2P multicast). My guess is that in five years over 50% of all heavy content thats published over the Internet will be original media and not copyrighted media.

In regards to Jack Valenti, the tie-in to weblogs means that you are willing to associate your name to the media you are publishing.  So if you publish media you don't own, you are putting it out there for everybody to see.  For the company that makes the tools for P2P enabled publishing, it provides them the defense they need to stave off big media lawsuits."

9:25:53 AM  comment []    

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