Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

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Saturday, December 21, 2002


Dynamic weblogs with live gateways and interfaces

As we enhance our online connectivety beyond our computers and notebooks, the need to instantly communicate with our weblogs becomes inportant.  We don't want to have different weblogs/webpages for different devices.  We need one identity/space that interfaces to all the different devices we will use.

Weblog software developers will need to add gateways and interfaces so we can connect our desktop computers, notebooks, PDAs, phones, email, etc. to our weblog space.  

Sounds like the perfect job for something like .NET.

11:38:21 AM  comment []    

Request to cell phone manufactures:

Please add a feature so we can record a MP3 locally on our cell phones.  We also want to email the MP3 over the cell network instantly.  The cell phone doesn't have to hold a real big file or many files.  Just enough memory for 1 -  5 minute recording at voice quality.  Thank you.

11:14:04 AM  comment []    


More on Moblogging

Scripting News -> Guardian: "It's the latest trend in weblogging: moblogging - or posting thoughts to your weblog from wherever you might be, via mobile phone or handheld device." 

When will the main stream press include the feature of audio or audioblogging as a feature of moblogging.  It's more natural way to blog when you are mobile.  Try to type into those little keyboards when you are walking or driving.

Also note how many people use cell phones these day as they walk around.  Audioblogging is just an natural/productive extension of using your cell phone.    I was amazed while Christmas shopping last week how many people were walking around talking into their phones in heavy conversation.  I must get out more.

10:30:18 AM  comment []    


Scripting News -> Lessig: "Creative reuse of creative content is what CC is all about."

9:15:33 AM  comment []    


Wireless Photo/Mobile Blogging

Marc's Voice -> Now THIS is what I'm talking about.....

Robert Scoble just pointed me to this:Hiptop Nation


Joi had already blogged it.  It looks like there's some moblogging going on.  Here's a scavenger hunt they did.

This is so cool.  Now I REALLY gotta get me one of those Danger Hip Tops.  Perhaps I will then start "Marc's Dangerous Voice".

7:39:45 AM  comment []    


.NET Rocks

Robert Scoble: Scobleizer Weblog -> Carl Franklin is an Internet pioneer and he's at it again with .NET Rocks! (an audio interview program with famous .NET programmers). He says his traffic is zooming. I can believe it. Carl clearly has fun and clearly gets the Internet. Why can I say that? He was the one who showed me (and about 300 other people) the Net for the first time at a conference in 1994. I'll never forget the first thing I saw him show: a horrible storm aimed at our hotel. Last week here in California reminded me of that conference presentation.

6:03:46 AM  comment []    


Is that TiVo Under Your Tree??

Wired News -> Is That a TiVo Under the Tree?. Personal video recorders like TiVo and ReplayTV have a growing base of passionate customers. Still, PVRs have a long way to go before becoming part of the mainstream. By Katie Dean.

5:42:20 AM  comment []    

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