Doubt's log

January 2002
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 Monday, January 14, 2002
Mathias is playing Gotham Racing on the XBox with the Music coming from the Linkin Park CD Hybrid Theory. After the rally car video that has been travelling around work, it's pretty cool to drive some pretty cars with the same music.
10:47:28 PM    comments ==

Today is my VP's monthly meeting.
One topic is lessons learned from the UPNP issues:
  1. There is no such thing as a local only interface (and don't forget that the firewall still will not save you)
  2. The Usual don't be a multiplier (DDOS), don't trust the server, don't trust the client, don't trust the RFC, etc....
  3. Heap Overflows know em, love em
  4. Change the timings in the attacks you use for testing (Example above X ms but below Y ms)

4:32:00 PM    comments ==

Salon journal entry for Richard Posner: "Truth really is stranger than fiction, because writers of fiction try to be plausible, and reality has no aim"
1:35:10 PM    comments ==

Commentary: Palm's fading presence. In the last year, the company has slipped from its dominance in the PDA market--bad news for Palm and its customers. [CNET]

Palm sounds screwed. I guess the "hardware will catch up" + features mentality wins again.

1:06:20 PM    comments ==

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Breakout Bat.I am a Breakout Bat.

I am an abstract sort of creature, who dislikes any sort of restraint. If you try to pigeonhole me, I'll break the box, and come back for more. I don't have any particular ambitions, I just drift, but I am adept at keeping life going along. What Video Game Character Are You?

9:21:23 AM    comments ==

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