Doubt's log

January 2002
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 Friday, January 25, 2002
Outside there is snow! When I first noticed it, I packed up the laptop, usb mouse and wifi card, and went down to the caffiteria for a better view (I work in a cave). At first the flakes were at a medium speed and medium build, enough to catch the eye, with enough wind to make them fall at a slight angle. A few minutes later however the intesity greatened. The flakes got much larger and slightly slower. The wind picked up and pushed the snow fall into an angle. My vision was filled with the white fluffy flakes. There were slight signs of stickage. The kid in me rooted for the snow, it could beat the ground by it's relentless attack. It's the sort of snow that you could cheer for, the type you want a photograph of. Then just as my coffee ran out, the snow fall thined and dropped faster and faster, untill it went back to the normal drizzle and rain of seattle weather. So now I watch the rain make circles in the small pools of water on the squares outside the window, and I promise to remember what potential each depressing drop has inside.
2:36:28 PM    comments ==

Liberty Alliance: Innovatitve mixture of ABM and vaporware. The main question is if they will actually produce something other then "every site has there own registration system" AKA status quo. If they get past that the next question for them will be if they go out of thier way to make things incompatable or not.
10:36:33 AM    comments ==

"Picture to HTML" - This certainly is an incredible render machine. Drop in a jpg or gif, get ascii art in html back. Very slick. [Adam Curry: CurryDotCom]
8:09:08 AM    comments ==

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