Doubt's log

January 2002
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 Wednesday, January 16, 2002

BloodWake arrived at the company store today. I haven't sat down and played it yet (too busy playing with Radio so far), but Mathias and Ben are checking it out. So far they don't like the controls and Ben had a gripe about the water physics realism, but overall they seem hooked on the game play.

11:01:43 PM    comments ==

I made a story today out of scott culp's public usenet post about the upnp vulnerability in windows XP. JawadK, my vp, in charge of networking had Hutima do a presentation about what was learned from the vuln. The good news from my perspective is that the type of issues are getting more complex and much tougher to find and hit. Also picked up yesterday the copy of Micheal Howard's book, "Writing Secure Code" that my test manager order for the team. I'm curious how much material is different then his brownbag and security bug bash presentations.
10:20:12 PM    comments ==

All my entries from yesterday have disapeared :(
7:30:51 PM    comments ==

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