The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Where are we going, and what are we doing in this handbasket? It sure is getting warm...
Updated: 2/25/04; 10:39:16 PM.


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Saturday, February 7, 2004

George (Orwell) Bush

Paul Krugman: Get Me Rewrite. I'd like to think that the administration's crass efforts to rewrite history will backfire, that the media and the informed public won't let officials get away with this. Have we finally had enough? [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]
8:42:57 PM    

CBS on "controversial"

A great letter to the editor in the Boston Globe re CBS' judgment about what sort of controvesy it should keep its viewers from. The site is flakey, so here's the text:

CBS's failure in judgment

We Americans need to rethink whether CBS and its
parent company Viacom should continue to be
trusted to broadcast on our publicly owned airwaves.

First, CBS turned down an ad by discussing
the budget deficit because it was too controversial
for the Super Bowl. Then it proceeded to air an
obscene halftime show produced by MTV. The show
included Nelly urging women to take off all their
clothes, and Janet Jackson performing with dancers
wearing leather fetish outfits and lingerie, and
then closing her performance by exposing her breast.
MTV's website promised on Jan. 28 that Jackson's
performance would include shocking moments, so it
is clear that this was planned.

CBS deliberately suppressed and censored political
speech and public discourse, the core reason
behind the First Amendment, yet saw fit to air
sexually exploitive performances during a family
event. We cannot tolerate such failures in

Christine Bolzan, Beverly, MA

[Lessig Blog]
8:39:18 PM    

Did Bush drop out of the National Guard to avoid drug testing?

The young pilot walked away from his commitment in 1972 -- the same year the U.S. military implemented random drug tests. [Salon]
8:32:46 PM    

The federal budget in simple terms

The truth about the federal budget
8:06:38 PM    

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