The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Where are we going, and what are we doing in this handbasket? It sure is getting warm...
Updated: 2/25/04; 10:39:22 PM.


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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

New Bush records, same old questions

Why did the "outstanding young pilot" stop flying? Why don’t the records document his time in Alabama? And what about the missing physical? The 400-page document dump has no answers. [Salon]
5:30:27 PM    

Defending the Home Front

With all the furor about President Bush's Air National Guard service, I just want to say that I, for one, am glad that our future President was on the job in Texas in the early 1970s, defending the US against potential attack by the Mexican Air Force. Wait a second. Does Mexico have an air force? [pseudorandom]
1:28:26 PM    

It's "obvious" why George W. Bush got an honorable discharge

It's "obvious" why George W. Bush got an honorable discharge [via 0xDECAFBAD]

Not at all related to his powerful and rich family, of course...
1:14:30 PM    

Intel commish finances stay secret

[Title taken directly from Judy's email containing the link to the article. It pays to marry a geek.]

Intelligence Panel’s Finances Will Stay Private

The White House is declining to make public the financial histories of the commissioners President Bush appointed to investigate American intelligence failures.

Administration officials say the arrangement has helped to attract the best-qualified people for the panel, but critics say the White House's refusal to disclose financial information raises questions about potential conflicts of interest that could cloud the commission's work.

Citing an exemption to federal ethics regulations, the White House says the financial disclosure statements filed by the commission's nine members will remain confidential because they are not being paid for their work. ...

So let me get this straight: if you appoint people to a commission who are rich enough to not need a salary, you don't have to disclose how they got rich?

[Channeling Cupertino]
1:02:50 PM    

Ralph Nader's Election-Year Gift to George Bush

Knight Ridder: Nader expected to launch new bid for the White House. Despite a vigorous effort on the part of the left to keep Nader from running and despite his insistence that he's still mulling over his decision, friends, associates and insiders say he's determined to run again.And determined, apparently, to help ensure another four years of George Bush's presidency. [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]
10:32:40 AM    

New Bagle.B Internet worm appears, spreads fast via e-mail (AFP)

AFP - A new variant of the Bagle Internet worm, dubbed Bagle.B, was spreading quickly by e-mail throughout the world, Internet security experts said. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
10:26:31 AM    

Code attacks Windows vulnerability

A piece of code that exploits a critical vulnerability that Microsoft issued a patch for only last week has been posted online, raising fears of an imminent MSBlast-style attack. [CNET]
10:21:58 AM    

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