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Reclaiming My Life: A Declaration of Intent
The Revenge of the Dead Cow Cult
Updating Neighbors
The Ultimate Pun
The Obligatory Naked Mole Rat Advisory
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
And oh, by the way...
World Dominion and Other Pastimes
Two unsettling developments.
Why You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
No Birdbrains Here

Friday, November 1, 2002

Defending US
I've lived overseas (England, the Continent, Asia). It's a valuable and tricky experience being an expatriate. You see your country from an entirely different perspective, and if you're an American with any degree of sensitivity you're like to find yourself constantly apologizing for its behavior, and distancing yourself from the power elites and the swarming masses in equal measure. You feel the burden of being a sterling representative of your homeland.

Right up until the point when you get really, really annoyed with all the inappropriately self-righteous fingerpointing being done by the insular myopic Europeans (or whomever) you encounter. Right up until you realize that you love your country despite its flaws and arrogance and ignorance.

Power has consequences. Noblesse oblige. No doubt there's so much we can do better, especially right now.

But when I read Russell Beattie's patriotic screed I wanted to stand up and salute, sing the notoriously unsingable national anthem, and in general wave the flag.
7:54:21 PM    please comment []

British Blues Radio
Wow. I've just discovered another bonus of being a Mac user: I'm listening to British Blues Radio, one of the built-in iTunes internet radio stations.

I'm making quite the fool of myself at my desk, groovin' and movin'. I'm impressed by how good the sound quality is over the fast connection. And not many commercial interruptions either.
7:19:55 PM    please comment []

Installment 1
Yes, I have begun. And may God have mercy on my soul.
6:40:04 PM    please comment []

© Copyright 2002 Pascale Soleil.
Last updated: 11/11/02; 4:31:19 PM.
Comments by: YACCS
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