A while ago there was some discussion stuff about using WebDAV to edit content in Cocoon:
Web forms suck big time. This is the main concern: if you are a writer
and need to edit real world documents you can't stand the textarea
I found this good essay by Stefano Mazzocchi about XML Databases and storing information in them as opposed to an RDBMS.
I am transforming OPML to HTML realtime inside Cocoon. The next step is to render to PDF, SVG, etc on the fly, and allow some sort of remote editing.
A note on how this works: This *is* using XSL, it's just happening on the server-side, and not on the client-side, unlike Rogers Cadenhead's setup which is cool but it requires IE :)
The pipeline in Cocoon looks like this. It's very simple. It uses a really powerful feature of Cocoon generators which allows you to get XML source from a URL across the Net:
<map:match pattern="opmlRender">
<map:generate src="http://radio.weblogs.com/0100630/instantOutliner/tonyCollen.opml"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/opml2html.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>

1:34:37 PM