Ken Bereskin's Radio Weblog : A fun way for me to share info about Mac OS X and some of my hobbies.
Updated: 3/2/02; 4:12:55 PM.


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Friday, February 8, 2002

Mac OS X Tip of the Day: Scanning

Many people think that you can't scan natively in Mac OS X. Au contraire. There's a wonderful application called VueScan that does a remarkable job of scanning. It supports a ton of scanners (SCSI, USB, FireWire, Slide, Flatbed, etc.).

I use it all the time with my Nikon LS2000 and while the UI takes some getting used to (it is very utilitarian), I find that I am much more productive now than I ever was with the software supplied with the scanner.

Definitely one of my must have apps in Mac OS X - with it, many Macs are becoming Classic free zones.
7:33:56 PM    

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