Tuesday, March 12, 2002
I think I figured out that I need an outlet to write about the software I develop, most Java XML tools, which I distribute and host on my own my server.
It's quite a blast. Very rewarding. Developing software is like working on a version of the Sunday Times crossword puzzle that just keeps growing the more answers you fill in. It's sounds Sisyphusian, but in most cases, so long as you feel like you're doing something useful, it's it's own reward.
But one thing about how I work is that I don't get to talk to very many people about my projects. My wife likes to listen, but she is not a developer. Since I know that a higher-than-usual proprotion of those read Radio weblogs are developers, it gives me the feeling that I can share things with those who might appreciate it from a common perspective.
11:36:41 PM
It was good to take a break. It gave me some perspective on why I want this blog. I've noticed that with my other sites, it took a while, sometimes a couple months, to discover "the voice of the blog." There's a startup-period that is like clearing out the pipes, warming up, flailing around with different topics.
Eventually, I seem to zero in on the part of my psyche that actually needs an outlet, and that I can tap into, at least on semi-regular basis, enough to sustain a blog.
11:14:15 PM
I just took a month-long break from posting to this weblog. I had let my trial version expire, and when I got around to registering it (as I decided I would), I couldn't follow the simple directions and made an ass of myself emailing Userland tech support complaining about "having one foot already out the door."
11:10:26 PM
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Matthew Trump
My other weblogs
Viva Capitalism: currently featuring a discussion of Hubbert's Peak, petroleum geology,
and trends in world oil supply
Brooklynese: lessons in the language of the lower Hudson, my New York Weblog.
Quantum Phenomena: physics commentary on recent and new developments on the quantum level
C'est l'Orange: l'envie de la doucer de la langue française, my francophone weblog.
Jamsterdam: Java XML software tools I have developed.
SOAP Astronomy Web Service: retrieves planetary positions as XML
Current Planetary Positions: Java API I developed
What is Chaos?: an on-line course for everyone
American Tanka: poetry in the moment.
Bevo's Blog: ruminations of the world's most famous Longhorn mascot.
Historical Newspaper Reproductions: a sponsored link
Homme-Carotte: une comédie de Jean Marsonline
The Gwens: the rockinest Jersey band around.