Wednesday, March 13, 2002
Much of my recent flurry of coding was developing a SOAP web service called Orbitarium. About six months ago, I'd gotten my act together and finally released a stable version of a Java library of astrodynamical classes for calculating the positions of the planets of the Solar System.
I'd wanted to use these classes in some kind of web service, just for fun I suppose. In February I finally got around to doing this. Of course, when I sat down to code the web service, I realized that there was a lot of things about the underlying astrodynamical engine that I wanted to fix first. So I spent a week just doing that.
That's the way I usually work. I'm too comprehensive to get things done, I think. I start out to do one thing, and I immediately put myself three steps backwards, in the hole, having to dig myself out before I even get to what I considered to be the "starting point."
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Matthew Trump
My other weblogs
Viva Capitalism: currently featuring a discussion of Hubbert's Peak, petroleum geology,
and trends in world oil supply
Brooklynese: lessons in the language of the lower Hudson, my New York Weblog.
Quantum Phenomena: physics commentary on recent and new developments on the quantum level
C'est l'Orange: l'envie de la doucer de la langue française, my francophone weblog.
Jamsterdam: Java XML software tools I have developed.
SOAP Astronomy Web Service: retrieves planetary positions as XML
Current Planetary Positions: Java API I developed
What is Chaos?: an on-line course for everyone
American Tanka: poetry in the moment.
Bevo's Blog: ruminations of the world's most famous Longhorn mascot.
Historical Newspaper Reproductions: a sponsored link
Homme-Carotte: une comédie de Jean Marsonline
The Gwens: the rockinest Jersey band around.