Wednesday, June 05, 2002 |
A Flash MX rich edit control
Tim Appnel wonders whether the universal canvas and Flash MX will intersect. He points to Stuart Schoneveld's tantalizing demonstration of a Flash MX rich edit control. Thanks Tim!
Does the tightly-managed Flash kernel have room for a full-featured WYSIWYG editor? If not, is there sufficient scripting power to build such a thing on the core componentry? Inquiring minds want to know.
11:05:17 AM
Seeing and tuning social networks
My reason for planting the "horizon of observability" meme yesterday is now revealed. In my OreillyNet column this month, I interview Jon Schull and Valdis Krebs who both offer great perspectives on the social networking craze that is sweeping through blogspace.
Valdis informs me, by the way, that although he is authoritative on Google for "horizon of observability," the concept originated with Noah Friedkin of UC Santa Barbara, and is set forth in this paper.
10:15:17 AM
Matt Pope on collaborative flow between Groove and blogspace
Matt Pope muses on how collaboration can flow into and out of Groove:
When the conversation merits multi-channel, synchronous dialog, a natural and seamless transition into a Groove shared space from Radio would be very cool. Within Groove, the communication is private and secure between the small group of individuals that need to be intimately engaged. It's like email except exponentially better because it truly is secure, and it is more dynamic, and it can be synchronous, and it can incorporate context (e.g. documents, pictures, markup, etc.) more readily. When the Groove communication ends, the thread, along with any supporting data, can be integrated back to the Radio environment for a wider audience to see. That would be nice. With Tim Knip's wares and edge services, this type of integration is becoming much simpler. This is just one example touch-point for Radio & Groove through SOAP. There are innumerable more. Perhaps we should start a brainstorm on that issue? I do think this is how we begin to maximize Groove's horizon of observability, which Jon Udell is aptly inquiring about. [Matt Pope]
I am very interested in trying that experiment. It doesn't have to wait for completion of edge services, or Groove blogging integration, either. I have been thinking about the dynamics of scoped zones of collaboration for a long time. It's really just a technique which can be applied using any collaborative tool. For me, years ago, the shared-space technology was the NNTP newsgroup.
I would love it if, in the kind of situation Matt describes -- where an issue arises in blogspace that really does require more tightly-coupled interaction -- I could experience Groove instead of email as the framework for that interaction. If you are a Groove user, find yourself in such a situation, and would like to involve me in a short-term discussion, please do invite me into a Groove space made for that purpose.
10:01:01 AM
The fisheye lens effect in a Flash MX listbox
A new twist on an old widget:
Fisheye Lens Component. How cool is this? A great component from Samel Wan demonstrating the advanced interface work that can be done with Flash. [Flash Blog]
Extremely cool. As per the commentary, this approach will not necessarily outperform the conventional listbox for goal-directed search, but could be an effective complement for scanning and browsing.
Peeking at the ActionScript, I find it very interesting to see that -- as claimed by Macromedia -- this new generation of MX controls can be straightforwardly extended, in script, from core components. We could be on the verge of some really powerful UI advances.
12:42:48 AM
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