Several bloggers have been mentioning "Blogistan" for quite some time; and I recently came across a mention of the "University of Blogaria". So I went through Josh's fun
list of the world's flags, given letter grades,
and modified all of the names that seemed even remotely appropriate.
So, live from Blog Lomond, it's:
- blogistan
- bloghanistan
- bloguilla
- blogentina
- azerblogjam
- blogladesh
- blogarus
- bologia
- blognia and herzeblogvina
- blogswana
- blogzil (didn't Brazil change its name to Brazilla lately,
to protest the Toho vs Davezilla flap?)
- blogaria
- blogkina faso
- camblogia
- blogaroon
- cubloga
- djiblogi
- blogland (Back when loglan was "popular", we ^H^H^H its
fans used to refer to "logland". But when the
community moved on to lojban, all they could
come up with was "lojbania".)
- blogemala
- guinea-blogau
- bloggary
- liblogia
- luxemblourg
- morblocco
- mozamblique
- the bloggerlands
- blogway
- blogama
- blogapore
- blogakia
- blogenia
- tobloggo
- trinidad and toblago
- blogalu
- bluganda
- united blogdom
- blugoslavia
- zambloga
- zimblogwe
I like Blogaria best.
11:09:34 PM