Scala Swing example
Here (below) is an example of Scala interacting with the java Swing GUI library, to put up a real silly GUI window. It's neither a good example of Swing usage, nor a good example of how much more clearly Scala can express some things than Java can; it's more of a "how-to", to show a little of how scala interacts with Java libraries. It works and does almost the same thing on Solaris (2.8), Windows XP, and Mac OS X (10.2.4).
Somewhat interesting tidbits:
- I renamed JButton to JSwJB upon import.
- The variable exitButton is initialized with an underscore, which tells scala to give it a "default initialization value".
- I use "this." a lot; I think it should be required. It is not required in Scala, just as it is not required in Java.
- In the mkExitButton method, I omitted the outermost {curly} braces. I'm still not sure that it's a good idea to make them omittable.
- In the sbwob.init method, the call to mkExitButton does not need "()".
- In the next line, the anonymous instance of the inner class "goAway" was created without requiring me to say "new goAway". That's because I declared the goAway class to be a "case class".
- "goAway with foo" is how you say that class goAway implements the Java interface named foo.
// Translated into Scala from the jython version seen at
// ,
// which just happened to be a simple example at the top of
// the Google heap for "jython swing simple".
import javax.swing.{ JButton => JSwJB };
class sbwob extends javax.swing.JFrame {
var exitButton : JSwJB = _;
var paintCalls = 0;
var buttonPresses = 0;
override def paint (g: java.awt.Graphics) = {
paintCalls = paintCalls + 1;
Console.println( "sbwob paint calls " + this.paintCalls );
g.drawString("hello", 10, 10);
g.fillOval(10, 10, 100, 100);
def mkExitButton = exitButton = new JSwJB( "Get me Out" );
def init = {
Console.println( "sbwob frame thing" );
this.setTitle( "sbwob frame thing" );
this.setSize(256, 256);
this.getContentPane().add( exitButton );
// Inner class to handle button presses
// Will exit only after 6 or more repaints.
case class goAway with java.awt.event.ActionListener {
def actionPerformed ( e: java.awt.event.ActionEvent ) = {
buttonPresses = buttonPresses + 1;
if( sbwob.this.paintCalls > 5 ) {
Console.println( "Button pressed " +
sbwob.this.buttonPresses + " times. Exiting." );
object sbw_main {
def main ( args : Array[String] ) = {
var myhr = new sbwob;
catch {
// How can I catch just the InterruptedException?
case Throwable =>
Console.println( "20-second sleep interrupted." );
var m: String =
if( myhr.buttonPresses == 0 ) "No button pressed.";
else "Button pressed " + myhr.buttonPresses +
" times. Exiting.";
Console.println( m + " Ran out of patience." );
System.exit( 0 );
Updated: I removed all of the blank lines because Radio's
renderer insists on putting three blank lines wherever I had
a single blank line. Yecch. So I made a directory to hold
the examples I come up with as I learn the language. It is
here: and this particular
example is
Further update: the comment at the start had the wrong
message number from the e-lang list. Fixed now.
12:43:32 AM