davidkin hollywood

Wednesday, May 1, 2002

Deep Linking
Dave Winer points to the Dallas Morning News's terms of service, which forbids linking to any page on their site other than the home page. It should be noted that linking to the terms of service is itself a violation of those terms. Someone should also ask the Dallas Morning News why they are on the web if they don't want people to link to them. That's the main point.
comment 3:17:06 PM    

Scientology forces another takedown
Dave Winer of Scripting News said on Monday that he received notice from Scientology about a copyright infringement on a site that his company hosts. End the War on Freedom had posted an excerpt from Scientology documents that, in the judgement of Scientology lawyers, was in violation of copyrights held by the Church of Scientology. Winer sent Bill St. Clair, the site editor, a letter and St. Clair took down the quote. Note that, as usual, there was no judgement here. Justice by fiscal inertia triumphs again. St. Clair said he was quoting from a summary of some Scientology texts that apparently became public record in a Scientology lawsuit. I'm still reading this site on the Fishman Affadavit, and it provides some interesting insight into the Church and its criticism-stifling behavior.
comment 12:42:27 PM    

Orrin Hatch supports embryonic stem cell research
"I come to this issue with a strong pro-life, pro-family record," he said. "But I do believe that a critical part of being pro-life is to support measures that help the living." Yay. Although he supports research involving embryos, he opposes any reproductive cloning. He's currently supporting a bill that would mandate a $1 million fine and up to 10 years in prison for anyone that attempts to clone a human for reproductive purposes. I think the NY Times article is referring to Senate Bill 1893, co-sponsored by Senators Harkin, Specter, Boxer and Reid. The definition of "Human Cloning" in the bill reads thusly:
The term `human cloning' means asexual human reproduction by implanting or attempting to implant the product of nuclear transplantation into a woman's uterus or a substitute for a woman's uterus.
Now the big question is: with the probability of cloning humans approaching zilch here in the U.S., who will be the first to create Serpentor and rule the planet with an iron fist? Somehow I doubt that Hatch et al. have taken this possibility into serious account.
comment 10:04:40 AM