the power of 0ne

# April 11, 2005

Two gems in my referer log this morning:

Google: 'ping tool file'

Look who's #2... must be some company no one has ever heard of. Oh, wait a second it's Microsoft.

Update: I only appear #1 in the above search if your using the Google in french, otherwise I am 2nd and M$ is 3rd.

Google 'firefox rss button'

This one is not so cool. The link really should point to: Feed Your Reader who has the real Firefox RSS button.

But what makes it interesting is that I was involved in the original conversation on the limits of Firefox's RSS 'solution'. But I never actually wrote the tool, since Michael Koziarski already had a solution in the works, I just made a few suggestions.

An awesome poem by my friend Nick. Poor King Ed :(

Nick: I get the feeling that there is a little of you in the King, and perhaps a little of Helena in Queen Emmbee... ? ;)

There are some crazy cool Ajax effects coming in Rails 0.11.2. A lot of this is just eye candy, but who cares? It's a great way to increase the cool factor of your application.

And just to prove that this Ajax thing isn't just about adding 'shiny bits' to your website, there are a couple of very functional additions as well.

One of my clients recently asked me for a really basic photoshop. Now normally I would forward this request onto a graphic designer, but in this case I decided to give it a try myself. Here is the result:



The new helmet is a tad big for the little guy, but I am very pleased with the result.