Coyote Gulch


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  Sunday, February 12, 2006

Darwin Day Celebration
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Daily Kos: "The most famous force in creationism started out as a creationist himself, but he did not remain so for long. He was born in the year 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. For a time he may have professed some variant of Old Testament literalism. At one point he even considered becoming a parson. But as a young man, his love of science soon over took him like a raging fever, and his course was set to become a naturalist. At various times he studied geology, zoology, medicine, and biology. At the age of 22, still unfulfilled and restless with youth, he took advantage of a chance offer to sail the exotic south Pacific seas on a ship called the H.M.S. Beagle. From that vantage he recorded many amazing species. Upon his return five years later, he carefully, methodically, compiled mountains of data from his trip and through further investigation while marshaling his thoughts. Over the next two decades, he began to write down his findings and ideas. On November 24, 1859, he formally published those thoughts in a book that would shake the scientific establishment, along with all of western culture, to the core: The Origin of Species. The book sold out within in minutes of hitting the shelves."

Today is the Darwin Day Celebration.

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

9:17:46 AM     

Happy First Birthday Blogher
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Lisa Stone: "Never underestimate the power of women having coffee."

8:31:21 AM     

Ritter / Beauprez on stem-cell research

Colorado Lib: "There is an easy way to compare Ritter with his likely Republican opponent, Bob Beauprez. I researched their reactions to Denver U.S. House Representative Diana Degette's Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005..

"Bill Ritter, when asked about stem cell research on Colorado Pols, said, 'I support Rep. DeGette's bill, and believe that it is appropriate and in the public interest to use embryos that otherwise would have been discarded for stem cell research that may lead to cures for serious and debilitating diseases. However, I am opposed to the creation of new embryos for the sole purpose of stem cell research.'

"That wasn't exactly the answer I was hoping for. But it was close. At least Ritter would have voted for the bill.

"Bob Beauprez did not. According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Beauprez joined Colorado Republicans Tom Tancredo and Marilyn Musgrave in voting nay."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

8:28:01 AM     

Pro-business Republicans?

Spot-On: "After three days of observing the Conservative Political Action Conference, I have to ask: whatever happened to the pro-Business Republican?

"Most of the issues on the agenda in the conference's 32nd year have nothing to do with one of the core reasons I am a Republican. Gays, drug policy, and abortion 'discussions' at the conference ran counter to the federalist, states-rights messages which I thought Conservatives believed in."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

8:23:25 AM     

Denver to host 2008 Democratic convention?
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Mayor Hickenlooper is hoping that Denver will host the 2008 Democratic National Convention, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "The next Democrat to run for president would accept the nomination in Denver if city officials have their way.

"Mayor John Hickenlooper has sent a letter to the Democratic National Committee announcing the city's intentions to host the 2008 convention.

"'One hundred years ago - in 1908 - the nation looked to Denver as Democrats nominated one of America's greatest orators, William Jennings Bryan,' the official letter of intent reads. 'It would be a great honor - and an historic event - for Denver to host the Democratic National Convention again a century later.'

"Denver was among the first cities to officially accept an invitation to bid. City officials are banking on national interest in the intermountain West as a new political "battleground" and hoping to capitalize on regional interest in a Western-states primary."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

8:04:12 AM     

Denver Post ballot issues poll

The Denver Post is running an article today with the results of a recent poll about seven issues that may show up on the fall ballot. From the article, "Most Coloradans oppose gay marriage, but almost as many support giving same-sex couples the same legal benefits married couples have, according to a poll conducted for The Denver Post.

"Residents also would oppose a state law prohibiting abortion of a viable fetus.

"The poll on seven issues expected on the November ballot gives a glimpse of voters' impressions before a myriad of campaigns spend fortunes to recruit support on issues that also include illegal immigration and the legalization of marijuana...

"In the contentious debate over gay marriage, support for an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman is ahead by 19 percentage points, with 55 percent of the 625 people polled in favor. Thirty- six percent opposed the amendment...

"Fifty percent of people polled statewide favor domestic partnerships that would give same-sex couples similar legal benefits to those married couples enjoy. Forty-one percent oppose such a measure...

"Just over half of those polled - 51 percent - said they would oppose prohibiting abortion of a viable fetus, while 35 percent said they would support it. Seventy-two percent of Democrats oppose such a law, compared with a third of Republicans polled...

"Restricting state services for illegal immigrants would also be a winner if the election were held today. Of those polled, 59 percent said they would vote to amend the state constitution to limit benefits, compared with 28 percent who said they would not. Thirteen percent said they were undecided...

"Limiting the government's power to use eminent domain to condemn private property for economic development would also win, 49 percent to 38 percent, if the election were held now.

"But Coloradans don't support legalizing marijuana. Fifty-one percent of people polled said they do not support a ballot initiative like the one Denver passed last year to make possession of less than an ounce of marijuana legal...

"The poll also showed overwhelming support for creating a multi-state purchasing pool to reduce the cost of prescription drugs for qualified, low-income people. Just 12 percent of respondents said they opposed the pool, compared with 70 percent who supported it."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

7:54:44 AM     

SB37 - Concerning the Adjucation of Recreation In-Channel Diversions
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State Senator Jim Isgar's bill designed to clarify water rights for whitewater parks (SB37 - Concerning the Adjucation of Recreation In-Channel Diversions) was passed by the Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources and Energy Committee on Thursday, according to the Durango Herald. From the article, "A bill to change kayakers' water rights cruised through a Senate committee Thursday, despite opposition from boaters and mountain towns...

"Recreational water rights are fairly new in Colorado, and cities with kayak parks have spent a lot of money in court fights with other water interests...

"But representatives of Avon, Vail, Breckenridge, Steamboat Springs and other cities opposed several other parts of the bill. First, it limits water rights to kayak parks and excludes applications based on tubing, canoeing, river surfing and other sports.

"It also lets the water court reconsider its decision to grant a right for 20 years after a city wins its case, if the court decides the water isn't being used.

"And it tells the state engineer - who regulates the flow of rivers - not to supply water for a kayak park unless at least 90 percent of the water requested is available. The restriction will keep cities from applying for more water than they absolutely need, Isgar said.

"But Drew Peternell of Trout Unlimited said the 90-percent plan will make kayak water rights all but worthless in drought years...

"Isgar, however, said the bill shouldn't be judged on what happens during a drought. 'We all have a problem in dry years,' Isgar said.

Category: Colorado Water

7:42:26 AM     

Eastern Fremont County to join UAWCD?
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The Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District voted last week to let eastern Fremont county join the district, according to the Cañon City Daily Record. From the article, "A group of citizens concerned about Colorado's water rights banded together Friday to form a loosely-knit group that will take its plea for the inclusion of eastern Fremont County in the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District to voters.

"The UAWCD Inclusion Committee aims to gather approximately 5,000 signatures to ensure it has enough support to force the question of inclusion on the coordinated ballot in November. The issue would affect residents of both the Cañon City and Florence-Penrose school districts.

"The number of signatures required would be equal to 10 percent of affected registered electors, plus an additional 25 percent of affected agricultural land owners. Sandefur said there are 23,370 registered elec-tors and 4,132 agricultural land owners who qualify to sign petitions.

"A similar attempt to gain a place on the ballot was thrown out by District Judge David Thorson last July, when he ruled that the petition process was just shy of the necessary number of signatures. In that attempt, 521 valid signatures fell 19 short of the 540 needed to place the issue on the ballot.

"John Sandefur, co-chairman of the new committee with George Hugins, said the group is concerned with protecting water rights in Fremont County...

"The Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District voted to support the committee's efforts for inclusion at a board meeting Thursday. Terry Scanga, general manager of the district, said Friday that two terms and conditions had been placed on the agreement by the board."

Category: Colorado Water

7:22:07 AM     

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