Coyote Gulch


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  Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Beauprez for governor?

Coyote Gulch thinks that it's cool that the Bob Beauprez campaign is using weblogs, RSS and podcasts to reach voters."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:30:53 PM     

Survey USA: Approval ratings

Bill Richardson Blog: "At 64% approval, Bill Richardson's approval rating is higher than any other Democratic contender on the list. Higher than Hillary's, higher than John Kerry's, higher than Joe Biden's, higher than even Russ Feingold, who is very well-liked in his home state of Wisconsin. His disapproval rating, at 32%, is also lower than virtually everyone's (except Sen. Bayh, who is at a nearly identical 31%), and substantially lower than some big names out there (like Kerry, at 41% disapproval).

"Richardson stacks up well against the Democratic field, when ranked by those who actually know him and see him in action. In fact, he's better than virtually the entire Republican field at home too, save for John McCain, whose super-popularity in his home state of Arizona is well known. Even well-liked Mike Huckabee and George Allen can only rack up 60% and 51% approval ratings at home, respectively."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:20:18 PM     

Askariyah shrine blown up

Juan Cole: "Then real disaster struck. The guerriillas blew up the domed Askariyah shrine in Samarra. The shrine, sacred to Shiiites, honors 3 Imams or holy descendants of the Prophet. They are Ali al-Hadi, Hasan al-Askari, and his disappeared son Muhammad al-Mahdi. Thousands of Shiiites demonnstrated in Samarra and in East Baghdad, against this desecration."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:12:19 PM     

Ritter for governor?

Colorado Pols: "U.S. Rep. John Salazar, D-Manassa, today endorsed Bill Ritter in his bid to become governor, praising Ritter as a native Coloradan who understands the issues most important to the state's rural areas."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

5:59:35 PM     

House Bill 1344

Rocky Mountain News: "Several gays in long-term relationships testified Tuesday in favor of a proposed ballot measure that would let voters decide whether same-sex partners should have the same rights and responsibilities as married couples.

"No witness testified against the bill, which some Republicans who oppose the proposal think was by design. Reps. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, and Rep. Lauri Clapp, R-Centennial, said they were surprised to learn the bill had been introduced late Monday afternoon and was scheduled to be heard the next morning by the Judiciary Committee."

Here's the coverage from the Denver Post.

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

7:25:35 AM     

Clinton for president?

Political Wire: "A Political Wire reader notes that someone has finally come out with a 100% bipartisan political bumper sticker: "RUN HILLARY RUN"

Democrats put it on the rear bumper. Republicans put it on the front bumper.

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

7:22:18 AM     

Ritter for governor?

Coyote Gulch hopes that Bill Ritter and other gubernatorial candidates don't find out that there are only about 24,000 people in Montezuma county - otherwise they may discontinue stumping there.

From the Cortez Journal, "For the second time in less than three months, Democrat Bill Ritter brought his gubernatorial campaign to Cortez.

"Ritter, of Aurora, spent more than an hour visiting with and speaking to about two dozen Democrats during a meet-and-greet event at the Cortez Journal office Saturday afternoon.

"The candidate's visit to the state's southwesternmost county came almost two weeks after popular Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper bowed out of the bidding for governor Feb. 6. Ritter described the mayor's decision as a blessing to his campaign."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

7:16:33 AM     

Horsetooth Reservoir and low oxygen levels
A picture named horsetoothreservoir.jpg

Last week Horsetooth Reservoir was placed on Colorado's 303d list (final list due next month) by the State Water Quality Control Commission. Here's an article from the Fort Collins Coloradoan about low oxygen levels and the impact.

From the article, "Save for a bout of orange-tinged water in September 1989, dissolved oxygen issues at Horsetooth Reservoir have been largely invisible to Fort Collins water customers.

"Continuing dissolved oxygen problems, however, could start to show up on city rate payers' bottom line, treatment managers say.

"When the amount of oxygen dissolved in water gets too low, metals such as manganese can be released from nutrients in the lake.

"That's what happened in 1989, when enough manganese was released to overrun the city's treatment and turn tap water brownish-orange. While the water was unsightly, the level of manganese wasn't enough to harm humans.

"Fort Collins responded with a $700,000 chlorine dioxide system that has cost the average customer 41 cents to 97 cents a year since 2001."

Category: Colorado Water

7:11:36 AM     

President Bush's NREL speech

Here's the transcript of the President's speech at NREL yesterday.

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:58:58 AM     

Denver to host 2008 Democratic convention?
A picture named denver2008new.jpg

Here's a short article about Denver's bid to host the Democratic National Convention from the Scripps Howard News Service. They write, "The rising importance of Colorado and other mountain states as key battlegrounds in the 2008 presidential election will serve Denver's bid to host that year's Democratic National Convention, a political analyst told a local host committee Tuesday.

"Democratic National Party Chairman Howard Dean and other party leaders are keenly aware of the Mountain West's role as a potential mother lode of new Democrat voters, Michael Stratton, a Littleton, Colo., political strategist, told local Democrats, and some Republicans, during the first host committee gathering at the new Hyatt Regency Denver.

"Western states have succeeded in 'bringing facts to the table that have really resonated with Chairman Dean, which is that Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada are now as crucial as any four states in the country,' Stratton said. 'People who study the demographics of where the vote is and where the potential for the vote is now realize that the Western states are critical for us winning the White House in 2008...'

"The political clout of the Mountain West is also why as many to four neighboring states - Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah - are expected to hold their primaries in January and February 2008 as key battlegrounds at the start of the presidential campaign, said Stratton, who served last year on a national Democratic commission that revamped the presidential primary schedule.

"So, presidential candidates from both parties 'are going to have to troop through Denver and Albuquerque and Salt Lake and Phoenix and Las Vegas in a way that they haven't in the past' Stratton said. This will thrust largely ignored Western issues - land use, water needs and the environment - back on the national agenda."

Here's the coverage from the Denver Post.

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:53:17 AM     

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