Coyote Gulch


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  Thursday, February 23, 2006

65 Percent Solution?

The Rocky Mountain News editorial staff is urging voters to reject the initiative for a 65 percent solution for classroom expenditures if it makes it on to the fall ballot.

They write, "An initiative likely to make the ballot in November would require school districts to spend at least 65 percent of their operating expenditures on classroom instruction.

"We're not certain whether a law like that would be good public policy. That's a discussion we'd be willing to have. But making it a constitutional mandate? That's a recipe for disaster...

"This plan is part of a national push for 'the 65 cent proposal' urged by a group called First Class Education, whose definition of classroom instruction is based on one used by the National Center for Educational Statistics.

"The writers of the initiative have tweaked the language a bit - they allow spending on libraries and librarians to count toward the 65 cents, while the center's definition explicitly excludes libraries. But suppose more tweaking becomes necessary after the measure is passed? Too late. It's in the constitution. Another statewide vote would be required."

More Coyote Gulch coverage here.

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:28:01 AM     

Dubai Ports World

Both Colorado U.S. Senators are concerned about the DPW contracts, according to the Rocky Mountain News. They write, "Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez told The Associated Press that the transaction would not put the UAE-run company in charge of port security.

"But that has not stopped criticism from countless members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats.

"'My primary concern about this plan is national security,' Republican Sen. Wayne Allard said in a statement Wednesday.

"'I am asking the president to reconsider this takeover and to put it on hold immediately.'

"Allard, who rarely criticizes President Bush, said the president needs to conduct a thorough review and consult more closely with Congress.

"Sen. Ken Salazar, a Democrat, also raised concerns about the deal Wednesday, citing worries about terrorism and homeland security."

Instapundit: "SO NOW BUSH IS THREATENING TO VETO any legislation that would block the Dubai ports deal? Either this deal is somehow a lot more important than it seems (a quid pro quo for, well, something . . . ) or Bush is an idiot. Your call."

Thanks to The Moderate Voice for the link.

Bull Moose: "We are now in the midst of a media and political frenzy over the UAE port purchase. Both the left and the right have weighed in with their objections. Although the President has been adamant, it is a only a matter of time that the Administration capitulates and reverses course. Do we really believe that the President will cast his first veto over this? The writing is on the wall. This is Harriet Miers redux. If the President continues to defy the conservative base on this issue, kiss the House and maybe the Senate good-bye - the base will be deflated and demoralized."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:20:53 AM     

More storage for Pueblo Reservoir?
A picture named moaburanium.jpg

The Preferred Options Storage Plan is the subject of this article from the Colorado Springs Gazette. They write, "The addition of two words may push a long-stalled Pueblo Reservoir bill through Congress.

"Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo., and 3rd District Congressman John Salazar, D-Colo. - a longtime opponent of the bill - met Wednesday with the Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District board to discuss the bill. The board oversees the reservoir.

"Neither of the Salazars committed to move ahead with the bill, which is considered vital to meeting Colorado Springs' water needs for the next 40 years. But both said they were pleased with the progress of negotiations with organizations that have fought the legislation.

"Congressman Salazar, who represents the Pueblo area, was impressed with Colorado Springs' willingness to include water quality as an aspect of the study. John Salazar and Pueblo officials have been angry over Colorado Springs Utilities sewage spills into Fountain Creek, which flows into Pueblo County."

Category: Colorado Water

5:53:07 AM     

Arkansas Valley Conduit
A picture named lowerarkansasriver.jpg

The various groups involved are making progress on the Arkansas Valley Conduit and hope to have the study of cost and participation finished by July 1st, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. From the article, "Bent County Director Bill Long, chairman of the Southeastern District's enterprise committee for the Arkansas Valley Conduit, explained progress on the conduit to Salazar and his brother, U.S. Rep. John Salazar.

"The Salazars, both Democrats, along with Republicans U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard and U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave all support the conduit. But they questioned whether the communities can afford the 20-25 percent local share of the $300 million-plus project and whether there would be enough water to fill the pipeline.

"The conduit could serve a population of about 50,000 in 42 towns or water districts from St. Charles Mesa to Lamar.

"Long said the local cost of the project would be between $1.50 and $2.20 per 1,000 gallons, based on a $150,000 study by Black & Veatch. The total cost of the project could be anywhere from $212 million for minimum deliveries to $362 million to meet full projected demand by 2050.

"The study also found potential shortages of 1,000 acre-feet annually in the early years of the project to 10,000 acre-feet annually by the year 2050. However, there are enough potential sources of water to make up the gap, Long said."

Category: Colorado Water

5:45:37 AM     

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