Coyote Gulch's 2008 Presidential Election


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  Sunday, October 30, 2005

Coyote Gulch wonders is this guide to immigration is authentic. Lots of advice for both legal and illegal immigrants from Mexico. Thanks to The Moderate Voice for the link.

Salt Lake Tribune: "It would take much more than changing the date to get Idaho to join other western states in a proposal to hold a simultaneous regional presidential primary election on Feb. 5, 2008. Try a price tag of $1.2 million, for starters. And persuading the national Democratic party to allow Idaho members to participate in an open primary. And having to spend another $1.2 million to hold a second primary election three months later for state officeholders. Those are just a few of the reasons why Idaho's top elections official, Secretary of State Ben Ysursa, is hesitant to support the proposal by some western governors to have the region vote for presidential contenders on the same day early in the election year." Thanks to Oval Office 2008 for the link.

Oval Office 2008: "First of all, the fact that Democrats have, in the past, not chosen the early front-runner in the nomination, is irrelevant to 2008. Like I said - the 'history is prologue' argument has no logical basis, it just sounds good. Those past front-runners failed to win the nomination for different reasons, not all related to their electability. Cuomo, for example, simply never ran. Secondly, it is as wrong to assume Hillary's chances of winning a general election are zero as it is to assume she is a shoo-in for the nomination. It is not, as Shirley has implied, a case of choosing between Hillary and winning."

Oval Office 2008: "...Amongst other difficulties he faced, Frist announced in August that he would support legislation extending federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. The announcement was a reversal of Frist's position until then, and caused outcry amongst the social conservative groups that Frist had been courted in advance of 2008. Now, it seems, he needn't have bothered - or, at least, needn't have been so hasty. Capitol Hill newspaper The Hill reports that the vote on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research has been delayed, and now probably won't happen until early next year."

Political Wire: "'If the chatter over Sen. George Allen's potential presidential run gets any hotter, we're going to have to dismiss the 2008 GOP primaries and go right to a general election campaign pitting the Virginia lawmaker against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton,' Washington Whispers reports. 'Just last week, the right's leading media voices, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, blew him kisses on the air, and he tops our Whispers poll. What's to like? Republicans say he's most like Bush, right down to the cowboy boots, but enters the race with better conservative credentials--and he's a good fundraiser.' Meanwhile, Republicans think Clinton's chances in the 2008 presidential race are very good. 'While Democrats say she's too polarizing to win, Republicans fear it's hers to lose. A House GOP leader explained it this way: First, she easily wins the states Sen. John Kerry took in 2004. Then all she has to do is pick off one or two politically split states, like Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, or Florida. Here, she can get some help by choosing a veep from one of those.'"

Category: 2008 Presidential Election.
4:17:15 PM    

The Middle East and what course the U.S. should take there will be a huge issue in 2008. Of course we have the Bull Moose to stir the pot. He writes, "This past week the militant President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that 'Israel should be wiped off the map.' He was echoing the words of the leader of the Iranian revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and these sentiments have been repeated by other leaders of that country over the years."

Here's an article from Pew Research Center for the People & the Press detailing huge dissatisfaction amongst voters with both business and government. They write, "Americans express increasingly negative views of a wide range major institutions, reflecting strong discontent with national conditions. Over the past year, ratings have tumbled for the federal government and Congress. And it is not just Washington institutions that are being viewed less positively. Favorable opinions of business corporations are at their lowest point in two decades. In the face of high energy prices, just 20% express positive opinions of oil companies...While public views of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Tom DeLay are deeply partisan, a number of Republicans have maintained a generally favorable reputation across party lines. This is particularly true for Sen. John McCain, who is rated favorably by roughly three-quarters of the Republican, Democratic and independent voters familiar with him. Rudy Giuliani gains equally favorable marks from independents, and is viewed favorably by many more Republicans than is McCain. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also wins positive reviews from virtually all Republicans who offered a rating. Rice also earns favorable ratings from over half (53%) of Democratic voters familiar with her. Among possible Democratic candidates, former Sen. John Edwards has the greatest crossover appeal he is viewed favorably by 85% of Democratic voters who can rate him, 68% of independents, and 48% of Republicans. Sen. Joe Biden is viewed favorably by 42% of Republicans who are familiar with him, but only 56% of Democrats. Fewer than half of registered voters knew Biden well enough to give a rating. By comparison, Sens. Hillary Clinton and John Kerry remain highly polarizing figures. Democratic voters view Kerry favorably by roughly four-to-one, while Republicans view him unfavorably by the same margin and independents are divided (49% favorable, 51% unfavorable among those able to give a rating). Sen. Clinton receives similar ratings, though somewhat higher than Kerry among independents. "

Thanks to beSpacific for the link.

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:28:19 AM    

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