Political Wire reports that, "President Bush will nominate 3rd Circuit Appeals Court Judge Samuel Alito for the U.S. Supreme Court, CNN reports. Nicknamed 'Scalito,' after conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, the pick is sure to start a major battle in the U.S. Senate over his confirmation. The New York Times notes Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) warned Bush over the weekend not to pick Alito. Said Reid: 'I think it would create a lot of problems.' PoliPundit counts the votes and finds 50 to confirm Alito. However, the more important count is whether the Democrats have the votes to force a filibuster. Think Progress details some of Alito's opinions and the AP runs a good profile."
Bull Moose: "This war between the bases will center on abortion and Alito's sole dissent concerning the notification of husbands. It seems likely that this nomination will result in a filibuster and the deployment of the nuclear option. It is all so very predictable. Everyone will play his/her designated role in this epic Washington confrontation. And the President has played the polarization card."
Blogs for Bush: "Well, I was admittedly not thrilled with Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court, Judge Alito, however, I can say is a good pick, and I am sure conservatives will support this nomination. It's time to start a coalition..."
Oval Office 2008: "Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel may have had a bit of a slow start to his 2008 campaign, but he's beginning to generate some positive column inches now."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:49:34 AM